Help Needed Weird Electrical Problem with our 2001 Ford F-250 SD


SDD Junior Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Dot Lake, AK
Greetings Y'all from sunny Alabama! :doh:

We have suddenly developed a very scary electrical problem with our pick-up. We're in Birmingham, AL and have the truck with a private mechanic, but after 2 days, he can't find the source of our problem. I'm searching on the internet truck forums, but so far, no luck.

Here's the problem: When you step on the brake while turning the steering wheel to the left or the right, it's blowing the fuse (#19) that affects the accelerator. When the fuse blows, there is no acceleration.

The mechanic said that there are five things on that specific circuit. I'm not sure what else is being affected as the accelerator problem is our primary concern as we try to keep from getting run over as we idle to the nearest safe place to pull over and change the fuse.

Anyone have any insight or experience with this kind of thing? The mechanic has completely taken apart the steering column looking for a short in the wires there and found nothing.

We're heading east with our Big Horn and it's too scary to tow with this going on so we're kind of stuck here.

Thanks for any help you can give us!


May 27, 2005
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South Prairie Wa.
I dont believe you will find your problem under your dash. Check the wiring from under the hood to the Trailer plug, if you have a chaf in the break or light wire this could feed 12v into any number of things. Also being in Al. check for Mud dobber nests in your 7 connector plug. Next ?? does this problem only present itself with just the truck, or is the trailer plugged in at the same time? This analysis comes from having a Rat chew through my Trailer wires once, causing a similar condition as you describe.


SDD Junior Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Dot Lake, AK
Hi Robert!

Thanks for your interest in our problem. We've not seen this problem while we're towing.

It just started happening a couple of days ago while we've been driving around with the truck only. We've found some notes on other forums about wiring shorts in the steering column causing this kind of thing, but the mechanic has looked at all that and found nothing.

He's still looking............


Full Access Member
Jun 22, 2009
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Mississippi State
Here's the problem: When you step on the brake while turning the steering wheel to the left or the right, it's blowing the fuse (#19) that affects the accelerator. When the fuse blows, there is no acceleration.

The mechanic said that there are five things on that specific circuit. I'm not sure what else is being affected as the accelerator problem is our primary concern as we try to keep from getting run over as we idle to the nearest safe place to pull over and change the fuse.

Thanks for any help you can give us!

I think here is what is on the 10 Amp circuit19:

19 10A Auxiliary Powertrain Control Module (APCM) (Diesel only),
Instrument Cluster,
GEM Module
Overdrive Cancel Switch
Idle Validation Switch (Diesel only)
Overhead Console

I have read that the General Electronics Module has caused quite a few problems in the 250s 350s. The dealer would want to charge you $500 for the part but I would try to remove the GEM and clean it up and put it back in. Is you windshield cracked or leaking anywhere near the driver side corner. Water can cause the GEM to go bad.

:SDD sorry its under this trying situation but what a place to turn to for information from friends with same taste in trucks.
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SDD Junior Member
Aug 12, 2010
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Dot Lake, AK
Thanks Smoky!

There aren't any cracks or water leaks that we can see, but it seems we keep coming back to that $500 part. hmmmmmm...................

I'm still left to wonder about mud dobbers and rats though...........................


Full Access Member
Jun 22, 2009
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Mississippi State
I live about 3 hours from Birmingham and never had a problem with mud daubers or mice except on a tractor that stayed in a barn near stored grain over winter. Does your truck have a sunroof that could leak? My research says GEM. They generally go bad from some form of moisture. Check yours to see if it green or corroded in any way. May find one at a junk yard for a lot less but you dont know what you get with electrical parts from a junk yard. Call the stealership to see what a new one actually cost. Hate to hear your kinda stranded.

I Just checked with the parts guy online and his price is about $125. See the attached link.
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SDD Junior Member
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
Dot Lake, AK
Problem resolved!

Greetings All!

Sorry for the long delay in closing out this problem. In the midst of my "truck troubles", my computer decided to stop "internetting". :dunno

On the upside, our truck problem has been diagnosed and resolved. It took up a lot of time and effort, but the problem was actually found and that's a good thing! :sweet

The problem was related to the Overdrive cancel switch. There was a broken wire inside the gear shift assembly. When the mechanic called Ford to see about getting the part, he was told "Yes, we have this in stock. How many do you want?" The mechanic told us that if Ford is still stocking this part for a truck this old, this must be a pretty common point of failure.

Anyway, we're back on the road again!

Thanks so much for all those that took the time to try and help. Ya'll are great!


SueJean (and DannyLee)

2001 Ford F-250
2008 Big Horn 3400RL officially known as "The Nest"
Full-timers as of June 2009
Homebase: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

You can read about the travel adventures of SueJean, DannyLee and our newest family member, Ariela Grace at our blog here:

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