Water in fuel; Question


Full Access Member
May 3, 2005
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Hotlanta, GA
Hey guys! My 'WIF' came on for the first time since I have owned the vehicle. I immediatly drained the fuel from the HFCM. There definately was some water in there. I let it drain until the flow stopped. Went for a test drive and about 5 min. of driving the WIF came back on!
I drained the HFCM and changed out the fuel filters today. I let it idle in the driveway for about 5 min. and the light came on again! -mad I have read about the HFCM being changed out per a TSB which states that there is an issue with some 03/04 HFCM's. I am getting ready to call the service department to see if I need to get mine changed.

Now what is throwing me off is that I filled up with diesel on Tuesday afternoon and the wif came on for the first time on Thursday afternoon. I probably put about 90 miles on it after the fillup. Bear in mind that I did not drive it at all on Wednesday.

Now I realize that it is pretty common to get water in the fuel or they would not recommend draining every month. Now how much is normal though? Here are the pix from 3 drainings (including the filter change):


Not quite sure what to do at this point. What is funny is that the light will stay out after you start it for about 5 min or so then come on. It does not come on immediatly. Should it come on immediatly if the HFCM is working correctly?

Thanks in advance for your help all! :thumbs


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Sounds like one of the finicky HFCM units there Greg,I'd roll by the Dealer to get it warranty serviced:sweet


Shutter Bug
Apr 1, 2005
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Try runing some Diesel Kleen (I use the white bottle) thru a tank and see if that helps before you decide to waste a day at the dealer. On my 06 this same thing happened to me, drained, WIF, drained WIF and so on. Ran a bottle of DK thru and no more problems. I think it helps clean the sensor off.

Just my .02


Full Access Member
Jul 15, 2005
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First off, The HCFM water sensor will go on with very little water in the unit. I just had some water in my fuel, I drained it at least 15 times over a 1000km into a clear bucket so I could see the how much water if any. The last 3 times there was none but the light was still on. I bought a fuel filter set, almost time anyways, becuase the light was still coming on even after no more signs of water.

Second the light will go off.............if you want it to.....
Drive along, put it in neutral, turn off truck briefly then back on the light will go out.

I guess the ignition resets the light, then if it comes back, you may still have water.

If you have drained it enough not to see any water/(black sediment which holds water) and the light is still on, change your filter, then see.

If that fails, have them look at it.


Full Access Member
Jul 15, 2005
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oh yeah, buy a fuel additive. Do it every tank.
They help disperse water, add lubricity, and increase cetane rating.
Just remember that draining the water out of the HCFM is part of your maintenance. Water will destroy your injectors, and corrode your fuel system.
The injectors are designed to last a very long time, but they are an extremely precision instrument that does not tolerate bad fuel/ water before they pack it in.

Some people say the fuel additives are junk. Myself I don't know.

We bought a $50000 truck with a $20000 motor. If they don't work, your out what, $5 a tankful? Cheap insurance if you ask me.. The injectors gotta be 500 a piece, so that's $4000 plus labour.

Anybody got some fives?


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
I see you get th same sand stuff we get over here in alabam.
you would think there would be a drain on the tank. I ran into a very similiar thing a few months back. even took teh sample to the station, pretty much got the kiss off, but they must have done something, fuel i get lately has been pretty clean. I have been draining the hfcm about every week.
I am looking for a good drain plug for a sunday when its warm i can drop teh fuel tank and install one.


Full Access Member
May 3, 2005
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Hotlanta, GA
Thanks for your reponses so far! :sweet This morning I began my laborious drive into the office 30 miles round trip in Atlanta (not fun). I crank her up and drive my son to the bus stop, idleing waiting for the bus and fully expecting the WIF light to come on. Nothing! I leave the bus stop and head off to the interstate where it is bumper to bumper almost the whole way in (typically 1 hour drive). Now I am about 35 min. into the drive and still no light! Then it came on and then went out after about 5-10 min. of driving and stayed off until I got to the office. :dunno

I guess for now I am going to put some conditioner in, keep my eye on the WIF and drain it every other day to make sure all is good. I don't want to wipe out an injector!

Oh yeah, whats up with the sand/gravel in the fuel!:confused: don't they use filters for petes sake!

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