Well, I finally did it to myself!!! I put in 5 gal.s of gas in instead of diesel. I drove home (1 mile) and parked it. What is the proceedure. Can I just add 25 gals.(reminder of fillup) of diesel to dilute, or do I need to drain. Help!
Well, I finally did it to myself!!! I put in 5 gal.s of gas in instead of diesel. I drove home (1 mile) and parked it. What is the proceedure. Can I just add 25 gals.(reminder of fillup) of diesel to dilute, or do I need to drain. Help!
be careful with a shop vac .. remember fuel and spark = bad
I would be draining it all ,, droping a tank isn't hard and changing filters also
Well it has reg Gas in there now and I read about a guy blowing himself up in his boat this way
just a warning