Virginia Tech Shooting............


Apr 5, 2005
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The guns are bad enough but I also hear them whining that the school was too open. I sounds like if they get their way every school will be surrounded by barbed wire fence and have metal detectors so they can feel safe. REally the fence will just be a cage to hold them all in when someone with no regard for the law gets in with a weapon and lets loose.


Jan 14, 2007
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Cook Station, Mo
i agree with hoss....and the anti-gun people act like taking guns away will solve the problem, but im here to tell you that if i wanted to shoot up a school and then kill myself....FINDING A GUN WOULD BE THE LEAST OF MY PROBLEMS...all taking guns away will do, is ensure that absolutely nothing will stop these psychos from doing what they want....(do they not realize that drugs are illegal too....people do drugs everyday)...i realize its not the same as shooting up a school but the point is....taking guns away won't stop criminals from finding them...the answer is paying attention to these psychos before they do something like shooting up a school...apparently the school had the guy in the psychiatric ward at the school more that a year ago....this is crazy!

my heart goes out to the families and people devastated by this tragedy.


Full Access Member
Aug 2, 2005
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at this point i gotta lay a HELL of a bunch of blame on the media...
this is not a perfect situation...everyone gave this short dick the benefit
of the doubt...they hospitalized him, they kicked him outta class, they
called the law on him...short of shooting him or locking him up for EVER
what more could they have done ?

what im MORE disgusted w/ is the fact that this sob continues to get
what he wanted...FAME and ATTN (from the media)


SDD Junior Member
May 30, 2006
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Chester, NJ
What in the hell is worng with parents? My Dad would have told the guy to whoop my ass, then he would have carted me home and whooped it again for good measure!!!
....yeah no kidding. Our fathers must have been raised by the same type of parents....:)

The way I see it is that gun-carrying, law-abiding citizens are not the problem, it's the nutjobs and criminals that have no respect for life, that pose the greatest risk to the rest of us. I say, let the good, honest, law-abding citizens carry guns (make them demonstrate that they can shoot and handle the weapon safely and properly of course). That way some would-be scum might think twice about pulling a gun on someone, if he thought they may show him their's. Gun control is simply possessing the ability to shoot the second bullet through the hole made by the first bullet.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
What do you guys think about bringing back the old idea of state militias in a new context? Here's my idea. Train a bunch of volunteers, whoever is willing, in whatever situation that this type of thing may happen. County courthouse workers, students at universities, teachers and principals at high schools, etc. Allow only the best, brightest, etc to carry a state militia permit or license that allows him to take his or her gun more or less anywhere. Have enough of them in these high risk areas, like schools, courthouses, etc and let them pack anywhere as long as they are "on-duty" active duty. Or, if they are a fixture in the building, such as a worker at the courthouse, or a principal at a high school, they don't even need to pack, they could just have a secure lock box somewhere easily accessible.

Train the hell out of them. Let them use force only when the threat of life and limb presents itself. When psycho boy goes off, there should be plenty of trained individuals ready to drop his sorry behind before he does too much damage. And to boot, psycho boy is going to be a lot less likley to pull this BS if he knows that anyone in the next classroom could be lining him up for a shootin when he comes around the next corner.

I'm sure there are a lot of flaws to the idea, but nothing that couldn't be dealt with by having "a well-regulated militia" as it states clearly in the constitution.

Have an insurance policy carried by the state to protect the militia volunteers from lawsuits as long as they are acting within the rights of their duties.

I'm not talking about a police force. No additional police powers above and beyond those of any other normal citizen, except for they get to carry weapons wherever they go to help protect from this sort of thing.

Discuss amongst yourselves. -popcorn


Certified Diesel Driver
Apr 6, 2005
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I say we just restore "the right to keep and bear arms". There are clear cut laws regarding the use of force, at least in Texas. We should allow all persons who may LEGALLY own a firearm to carry it. I can see making a few (very few) places off limits. But I feel a law abiding citizen should be able to carry their legally owned firearm mostly at will.

Yes I know I live in fantasy world, but I can dream can't I??

Gun control largely only affects law abidings citizens. But I fear we will see a renewed interest in more gun control measure. They will have to come and get mine.


9/11 Never Forget
Dec 27, 2005
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I say we just restore "the right to keep and bear arms". There are clear cut laws regarding the use of force, at least in Texas. We should allow all persons who may LEGALLY own a firearm to carry it. I can see making a few (very few) places off limits. But I feel a law abiding citizen should be able to carry their legally owned firearm mostly at will.

Yes I know I live in fantasy world, but I can dream can't I??

Gun control largely only affects law abidings citizens. But I fear we will see a renewed interest in more gun control measure. They will have to come and get mine.

My uncle lives in Arizona and they have open carry. I can't believe in Texas we don't have that!!!! And now today at NASA, hmmmmm, I wonder how the outcome would have changed had someone close by had a firearm. Also, read this link..........
Nugent: Gun-free zones are recipe for disaster -


God Bless America
Apr 6, 2005
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Western Michigan
This boy is the next school shooter. never denied ANYTHING in his life, never taught about disappointment, denial, or responsibility, and so when he grows up and finds out that the entire world really DOESN'T revolve around his stupid, selfish butt, he goes into a delusional depression (remember, he's never learned to deal with this sort of thing!) and kills people to get the attention that he really needs
I would have to disagree with this statement. This jerk and his mother are going to be the cause of someone else becoming the next shooter. Coming from a high school teaching background, I've seen the first hand results of what the bullies can do to destroy a good kid. To the point that they have nothing to live for and they will get even, even if they have to kill to do it.
A HBO movie/documentary, "Bang Bang You're Dead" should be required viewing for every teacher, administrator and parent. One will never look at bulling the same way again after viewing. Bang Bang You're Dead: DVD: Thomas Cavanagh,Ben Foster,Randy Harrison (II),Janel Moloney,Jane McGregor,David Paetkau,Eric Johnson,Kristian Ayre,Brent Glenen,Gillian Barber,Eric Keenleyside,Glynis Davies,Ryan McDonald (II),Gary Chalk,Andre

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