High Tech Hillbilly
If you saw the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on NBC Thanksgiving Day, you saw the 270 member Crestview High School "Big Red Machine", introduce Santa to the city of New York. They performed abmirably, in spite of having their number cut short, as the parade was running long due to a balloon mishap earlier in the parade. They later performed for the employees of Macy's in Herald Square as honored guests. My daughter, a freshman, is a clarinet player in the band.
Friday, the band returns home to a heroes welcome, a police and sheriff's escort from the airport, and the day has been proclaimed "Crestview High Band Day" by the city's mayor. It may be very small town to do all of this, but for a city of 17,000 people to have their only high school's band invited to Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, all of us, including this dad, are very proud of our high school band.
Friday, the band returns home to a heroes welcome, a police and sheriff's escort from the airport, and the day has been proclaimed "Crestview High Band Day" by the city's mayor. It may be very small town to do all of this, but for a city of 17,000 people to have their only high school's band invited to Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, all of us, including this dad, are very proud of our high school band.

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