I have heard from several sources, that "they" are hauling diesel pickups away by the "truckload" along the border and especially in Tx. Not so bad here in LA. I would council you all to research and install a Mico-lock in your brake systems. It locks up the brakes a couple of different ways, and you can only release them with a hidden switch. It holds pressure to your whole brake system, and releases it electrically. Put the switch anywhere. I'm putting my hydraulic unit in the frame rail below me and in front of the orig fuel pump, in the 2000 PSD. I have a friend, in the brake business of all things, who had his custom duallie stolen twice, and recovered. Before the third time, he installed the mico-lock, and the thieves broke the trans output shaft trying to move it! These lazy thieves often strike the same target more than once. Beware. Go out on the net, or to a good brake shop, or straight to Mico, and check it out.One layer of Cheap insurance. I think I'll also put a kill switch on the glow plug solenoid, and I can remove two of the short fuel lines to frame rail bulkheads and completely interrupt my fuel sys, as well as two fuses, in the FASS. Go ahead! Usually, they wouldn't get past my PCA--Personal Canine Assistant!