Ok... they talked me into buying my truck with the upfitter switches. Has anyone found a use for them? Maybe someday I will get a winch. Any other ideas on what to use them for?
Driving lights, CB, radar detector, Snowplow-(if your in a cold climate), Aux. Reverse lights, Amp., Strobes-(If you plow), etc., etc.,etc., just about anything.
I have #4 wired to run the stationary engine idle control, ramps up to 1200 rpm and holds it there, really nice on hot days to get the ac cold while i am waiting at the store
#3 is wired for the battery charge protection it JUMPS to 1200 and will regulate rpm based on the need to keep the batteries charged, works great if your running high load items like a winch or inverter, etc.
the #2 runs mu aux driving lights
#1 is waiting for teh aircompressor i am getting myself for fathers day plus a few horns
bes thing about SEIC and BCP is teh safeties, bump teh brake it drops to idle , release the ebrake it drops to idle, resets and counts to 10 then ramps back up if the pcm/ecm detects all is good
i use mine ALOT