SDD Junior Member
I posted several weeks ago on diesel in my coolant overflow for a 7.3 psd, and was told from several people in this forum it was probably a cracked injector sleeve. this did infact turn out to be the case, 2 sleeves were broke and 3 others were bubbling around the seal , so i ended up having the mechanic change all 8 out since it was already apart, total cost was 1400 labor and 800 for parts , coolant flushed and oil change 2400 all tolled, Ouch. after it was done there still some residual diesel coming thru to the overflow but only a small amount ( it wasn't filling up the overflow like it was before). so will need to flush the system 1 more time and should be all set. thanx to all that responded to my first post as that was a big help so i knew if the mechanic was knowledgeable at all.