Under sized pistons


Full Access Member
Mar 20, 2006
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undersized pistons

I am back from the hospital, in pain, but back...

About the undersized pistons;

That does not sound right... Piston manufacturers are going to make oversized pistons for over boring, but not undersized pistons, unless they make undersized sleeves for the cylinders, which does not make sense. Sounds fishy....

Lord Tauk

Full Access Member
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
I'm a Machinist by trade, and saying something is "1/6" of an inch is unorthadox to me. The decimal number (.167) would just be listed as a three place decimal not a fraction. There are common fractions (1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2) - this is refering to an inspected measurement. Are you sure you didn't mean 1/16 of an inch? 1/16'' is a good amount, but .167'' is A LOT, that's almost a "mile" in comparison to the tolerances given. You would have a ton of material banging in the cylinders, trying to find a way out, I dount they would be incenerated unless they've been slowly getting shorter since 04. Sorry for this lecture, I myself don't even use fractions except for tooling requirements.. I think of everything in decimal form.

How would this even happen? Pistol slap that bad all of a sudden? I've read head gasket issues with 6.0s, but that's not necessarily just with the 6.0s. Wouldn't this be a noticeable problem as it was occuring? It doesnt make sense that it would just show signs now if it was occuring over all this time, .167'' shorter and 3 years later. Maybe I read something wrong in this thread.

Best of luck though with the warranty work.
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