Turns but won't start

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
oi8228oi said:
not sure one the 97s but on my 99 by the passengers feet theres a fuel pump restart, incase that got triggered...
if you disconnect the fuel pump, crank it once or twices youll be able to tell if your getting fuel:roflmao..
'97 MY has a mechanical fuel pump. No shutoff on a mechanical pump. As far as the disconnect and crank idea, I hope you are joking, because that is a VERY bad idea... The '97 pump is right on top of the engine. He will get diesel everywhere, all over electrical connections and things that are not supposed to be getting diesel on them.

The maxi-fuse that everybody is talking about is the one under the hood in the big fuse box on the driver's side fender well. If it is blown then replacig it will not help, it will just blow again. You have to unplug the fuel heater first before you replace it. I'll be darned if I can remember what the plug looks like, but it is on the front of the fuel bowl in the valley of the engine, if memory serves.

We need to know if you see white smoke or not at the tailpipe. If you don't smell diesel fuel, then my guess is that it is not a leak issue. I think you have either an electrical problem that is causing the fuel to not inject, or a glowplug problem that is causing the fuel to inject but not ignite. Lotsa white smoke would lead me to believe the latter, no white smoke, the former.

What is the ambient temp where you are? Does the tach show RPMS when you crank???

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