Question Turbo boot problem


Full Access Member
May 29, 2006
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Savoy IL
I just blew that boot off on Sunday with my boost psi between 30-32psi (I was using Innovatives tow tune)towing our 5er up a long steep grade. I had to improvise on RoyBoy's advice and use my wifes Strydex acne pads (it's was all I had at the time) and put some hair spray on the boot before I put it back on and tightened up the new clamp. I am going to spend the money shortly on BD's improved boot and clamp kit so the next time it's not one of the lower intercooler boots that go. I don't even want to think about what kind of PITA it would be changing a lower boot would be on the road.

Well that's what happened to me in January. I was lucky that it was sunny and dry but still it was enought to convinc me to go buy new "upgraded" boots for the intercooler connections...I'd done the easy ones already of course!!!


Full Access Member
Nov 12, 2011
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Tulsa, Ok
I too had the boot blow off on my '04 while towing. Limped it into the Ford dealer in Ozark, Arkansas.

The mechanic did exactly what other replies have mentioned...

Cleaned the mating surfaces of both the NEW boot and pipes with lacquer thinner, then used Aqua Net Super Hold on all surfaces and re-assembled.

Never had another problem.

Current truck.... same thing. Towing up a long hill. Pow! Turns out one of the factory clamps broke on the band right where some genius designer thought a few little holes should be punched into the band. Stupid.

Managed to scab together some hose clamps to get it going again and make it the final 13 miles to the campground.

Next day went to the local Ford dealer.... New boot and clamps.... Next to the local drug store.... Aqua Net Super Hold.... and NO, I didn't feel "funny" at the checkout with THAT in my hand.... there's been other... um... let's say "feminine products"... in my cart before. But we'll not go into that right now.

Cleaned all mating surfaces just like the guy in Ozark did, including the inside of the new boot, with lacquer thinner. Sprayed down all mating surfaces with Aqua Net and re-assembled with new clamps.

Haven't had that problem since. And I've since changed RV's to an even heavier trailer, and have pulled the new one up some seriously long grades around Branson, Mo.

If you're not familiar with highway 65 north of Branson, it seems like the closer you get to Branson, the longer and steeper the grades.

Anyway, just my two cents.


SDD Junior Member
Apr 28, 2010
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Starting fluid works great to clean off all the oily buildup on the boot before reinstalling it, it dissolves the oil.

I had the boot blow off 2 years ago and all I had in the tool box was some starting fluid so I sprayed some on the boot, wiped it down good and put it back on with no more problems!!!


SDD Junior Member
Jul 29, 2018
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Just my .02 cents you will notice theboots have a bead on the inside and a groove on the pipe
Boots dont blow off if:
1) clean inside of boot with Berrymans B-12 or other Carb Cleaner spray insde real good and wipe with clean rag 2-4 times to get good and clean
2) clean pipe as well real good
3) spray with any dollar store hair spray or you wife's just dont forget to take it back in the house sure does save on the a** chewing ask me how I know?
4) make sure when you slide it on you align the beadwith the groove do not push past it should skkide back and forth about a quarter inch or so
5)Tighten clamps let dryvabout 5 mins your done
I have never replaced my clamps in 12 yrs and not had any of the so called problems ststed on these sites
Gater J roasting in N Texas

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