in my unknowing opinion, there are lots of good tuners out there, seems like everyone talks about how good of a product they have on there pickup, and how much they like the service they got, with everyone answering all their questions, etc,etc,etc,. one thing I have noticed about the 6.0, and most diesels, if you don't pay attention, they can burn up, which costs alot of money to fix.
what people don't talk about is the safe guards a tuner has, (programed into it ) that help to keep this from happening. people like me, who are still learning, really need to know about these things. These adds in the mags all say, buy me, buy me, get lots of HP, what they don't say is, your motor could blow up, if you don't pay attention, or , we have put in this safe guard, to help you, while climbing a big hill, and your talking to the wife, not looking at your guages.
I would like to put a tuner on my 06, 50, 80, 120, hp, sound fun, but with our income, a new engine, and having the truck down for a little while, would really hurt.
So my question would be, which tuner has the proper safe guards, to help my engine survive, make good power, any mileage changes, and what guages if any are recomended.