She's running a lot better, that was the problem...
I took her for a spin, and it ran pretty good, but on the interstate it didn't have the responce for passing. (don't get me wrong) I AIN'T complaining at all!
But when I got back home, I rolled up the winders, and came inside for a well deserved cool one or two.
After the first one, I rememberd that I had forgotten to plug in the vacume hose and vacume resevore (sp?). back into the "system"
Well, we will try to fix that tomorrow!! Its coming down Cs and Ds outside right now and after two or three I tend to make stupid mistakes.
Sure don't want to shoot myself in the foot now!!

Not quite, but close!!!
thanks for everyones help
Sure is a lot more laid back over here !!! thanks for all your write ups Joat!!