Transfer Tanks


Full Access Member
Dec 26, 2005
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Kansas City
Alright folks,

I'm going to have to put an aux tank in my truck. I can't go more than about 325 miles fully loaded with the GN on and it's driving me nuts! I have a Delta Pro Tool Box in the bed now and I don't think there's enough room in the Short box for an upright tank in front of the box with the flex of the GN. So, I'm looking for one to go under it. Does anyone know of one? I'd really like to make this cost effective...i.e. i'm cheap! :D

I saw aero tank has a factory replacement tank that's a 55 gallon version but it's well over 700 bucks by the time I get it here!




Full Access Member
Aug 2, 2005
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man something near and dear to me....that i cant YET justify....but
ive done a bunch of lookin' SB guys have issues i understand
limit your (in bed) options.

but i really want to say that you should look at the price per added gallon
of the factory replacement tanks...they are WAY expensive when you
consider all youre gaining is 10 or so gallons over the OE tank.

that said the IN BED tanks make for an even better "per additional gallon"
cost...and you can take it w/ you to what ever truck you buy NEXT.

kshmarine is my favorite...any of their tanks can be set up as trasfer or
aux and BOTH set ups can use the factory gauge (w/ the provided kit
from kshmarine)....theyre the only one that does this kinda set up.

transfer tanks are either gravity fed or pump fed into the OE tank
aux tanks are "switched" to and drawn off either before or after the
OE tank is run dry or low...

kshmarine makes a 30g tank that only consumes 7" of bed depth...
30gallons would DOUBLE your range...and its only $425 (plus 200ish
for the transfer or aux kit).

if you cant give up that tool box then you might consider an L shaped
tank (if you have un-used space under your existing tool box)...

and even w/ a 5er an L shaped tank shouldnt interfere w/ the trailer.

KSHMARINE tanks are ALL alum.
Auxiliary Tanks

also look at the tanks at tractor supply
Tractor Supply Company -

and northerntool and equip. -->
fuel tank from Northern Tool + Equipment

they have a nice gravity feed valve/set up that is WIDELY used...
Diesel Install Kit for Auxiliary Diesel Fuel Tank — Fits Ford and Dodge Trucks, Model# 011025 | Auxiliary Fuel Tanks | Northern Tool + Equipment


Full Access Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Temporary fix.

We are also looking for a permanent auxiliary fuel tank that is an reasonable cost. Since we have an eight foot bed, this might not work for you, but what we did because we wanted to go to the coast, and the fuel on the coast was $3.75 per gallon, and we had not decided on which bed tank to install, I loaded five, five gallon plastic fuel jugs into the bed of the truck in front of the tool box. When we reached the coast, and set up camp, I got out my funnel and poured a couple of the jugs into the main tank.
I had purchased the five gallon fuel jugs for our diesel tractor years ago, and I think I paid less than $10 each. They were originally designed for kerosine , but they work great for diesel, when delivering fuel out in the field for the tractor.
This might work for you on a temporary basis.
This fits your bill for cheap.:D


Full Access Member
Nov 4, 2006
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Happy, TX
I've done that too!

We went camping and I brought about 65 gallons of biodiesel with me in 5 gallon cubies. Refilled at a road-side park (twice) and once at the campground.

We made it over 1000 miles on the fuel without stopping at a gas station.

It worked, but has me craving a real transfer tank.


Full Access Member
Dec 26, 2005
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Kansas City
Thanks to both of you all.

Maxtor, I unfortunately figured out recently that carrying 5 gallons of diesel just in case is ALWAYS a good option. Thinking you can make it to the next station because fuel there is 12 cents a gallon cheaper is never a good plan when heavily loaded... :dunno

Bushpilot, thanks for all the great info and links! I will definitely take a look at the kshmarine options. I really don't want to do the factory replacement tank that I had mentioned but it was an option. As for the truck box, I really need it. I carry tools enough to fix virtually any issue while on the road. I also carry camping gear, off road equipment etc. when the Jeeps on the back are full! So, getting rid of it really isn't an option. Plus, it just keeps all the crap that would get the cab dirty contained. I'll take a look at the links and see what I come up with!

Thanks again to both of you! I really appreciate the help!



Full Access Member
Aug 2, 2005
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what about temporarily mounting/moving tool box to the GN/5er when
you TOW ?

Might allow you to have the margin of safety/turning radius and STILL carry
a reasonable "range" of fuel.

then when youre not towing just move the tool box back into the
bed w/ the tank.


Full Access Member
Mar 20, 2006
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Thanks to both of you all.

Maxtor, I unfortunately figured out recently that carrying 5 gallons of diesel just in case is ALWAYS a good option. Thinking you can make it to the next station because fuel there is 12 cents a gallon cheaper is never a good plan when heavily loaded... :dunno

Bushpilot, thanks for all the great info and links! I will definitely take a look at the kshmarine options. I really don't want to do the factory replacement tank that I had mentioned but it was an option. As for the truck box, I really need it. I carry tools enough to fix virtually any issue while on the road. I also carry camping gear, off road equipment etc. when the Jeeps on the back are full! So, getting rid of it really isn't an option. Plus, it just keeps all the crap that would get the cab dirty contained. I'll take a look at the links and see what I come up with!

Thanks again to both of you! I really appreciate the help!


You are right about the $.12 per gallon difference. In Redding it was $3.00 per gallon and in Orick on the coast it was $3.75, so it was worth it. The $18.75 saved was worth one lobster dinner in Cresent City.
Bush has a good idea about moving your tool box to the trailer.
Our long bed trucks have 38 gallon tanks.
We can go about 450 miles with some reserve pulling the rv before starting to look for a station. A 50 gallon aux. tank will extend that range to around 1100 miles. In the near future, we want to go to Alaska, where fuel can be an issue.


Full Access Member
May 30, 2007
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Midland, TX
The only problem with those combo tool boxes is there is not enough storage room. I could put my jumper cables, and third of my tools in it and it would be full. You cant carry any spray cans for fix its. Wouldn't be able to carry my additives to put in the fuel.


Oct 9, 2006
Reaction score
$in city
Alright folks,

I'm going to have to put an aux tank in my truck. I can't go more than about 325 miles fully loaded with the GN on and it's driving me nuts! I have a Delta Pro Tool Box in the bed now and I don't think there's enough room in the Short box for an upright tank in front of the box with the flex of the GN. So, I'm looking for one to go under it. Does anyone know of one? I'd really like to make this cost effective...i.e. i'm cheap! :D

I saw aero tank has a factory replacement tank that's a 55 gallon version but it's well over 700 bucks by the time I get it here!



hell, i dont get that many miles a tank when i'm empty, and i never tow anything. i've never got better than 11 mpg even when the truck was stock.

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