Trans Cooler


Reclamation Specialist
Apr 7, 2005
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Ft. Campbell, KY
DmaxEter said:
Where did yo get the V10 cooler for that price? Thanks

Well my guy at Akins Ford here in Winder GA is one cool dude :sweet :sweet I routinely get prices as good if not better than even the internet on stuff. :thumbs :cool:


Apr 1, 2005
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Gainesville/Cumming, GA
Well, Greene Ford in Gainesville is also pretty good on prices.
I did the V-10 cooler switch when I had a torque converter self destruct. (literally) I did have an additional external filter (spin on type) that probably saved the rest of my transmission. When the torque converter let go, it sent enough debris to almost clog the spin on filter.
IF you get an additional and/or replace your cooler, put the additional filter in front of the cooler. That will keep any debris from getting in the cooler.
I have heard that you could possibly put a spin on filter after your existing cooler if you don't replace the cooler. Supposedly, it would catch any debris from the cooler. HOWEVER, I do not recommend doing this. Replace the cooler to be sure, and go with a larger one.


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Ford factory practice is to install a filter BEFORE the cooler if the truck has less than 9 or 12 thousand miles. After that, Ford says the filter should go on AFTER the cooler.

If you have a ton of miles, or suspect you've had a TC failure, I would go POST COOLER unless you replace both your oil to air, AND your oil to water coolers.

But thats just my .02 cents.


SDD Junior Member
Apr 19, 2005
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Whats the part number for the V10 cooler with the flared fittings in it, not the push ons. I have an early 2001. Thanks


SDD Junior Member
Apr 1, 2005
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New Iberia, LA
To bring a topic back to life:

I just finished going through cooler pains. My trans went out last Feb. Since then it has been rebuilt AGAIN. I brought it to a local shop for the work and was warrantied the 2nd time. Their rebuild only lasted 2600 miles. Stock trans lasted 76,000 miles.

Well anyway, when they did the rebuild, they didn't install a NEW oil to air cooler or even the trans filter. This is even after I asked numerous times. I had purchased a Tru-cool cooler from Dayle at Tymar and planned to install it myself. Well when the rebuild went out 2600 miles later, they installed the trans filter and my cooler for me when they rebuilt the rebuild. Now when they installed my cooler, they bypassed the oil passage in the radiator. After some research the passage is NEEDED. Not only is it the best for of heat transfer, it helps stabalize the oil temps before going into the oil to air cooler. When the fluid was going to the tru-cool only, I was seeing crazy temps of 180°+ UNLOADED on the highway. I knew this wasn't right. After finding out about the oil passage, I flushed it out myself with brake cleaner and compressed air to blow it out. All it is is a tube that passes through the radiator. No cracks for trash to accumulate in, unlike the oil to air cooler. Once I was passing oil through the radiator again, I noticed my temps got to a more manageable range (even with ambient temps outside in the upper 80's). Even with the oil passing through the radiator and the tru-cool by itself, I still wasn't happy with my temps.

I then purchased a replacement oil to air cooler from Ford and mounted it in with the tru-cool. I must say now I'm finally satisfied with my oil temps. any aftermarket cooler is made and designed to be plumbed in with your OEM equipment. I've found out that only the tru-cool could not handle the cooling by itself. There were to many factors for the tru-cool to work on it's own. Factors like: outside ambient temps, amount of air flow over the cooler and RPMS (pumping more fluid through the trans and cooler).

Never try and flush a stacked plate cooler (oem oil to air cooler). This design has small cracks and areas that trash can get stuck in and hold itself there until it lets go and gets into the new tranny. Then the problem starts all over again. I paid $150 for the new cooler from my local dealer.

Little advice on installing the trans filter. If your installing the filter in an existing setup with an old cooler, install the filter AFTER the oil to air cooler. This prevents any trash coming out of the cooler and getting into the trans. If your installing the filter after a tranny rebuild and a cooler replacement, install the filter BEFORE the cooler. This prevents trah from entering the cooler and getting itself stuck inside the cooler. This would allow you to reuse the cooler if ever needed as you were filtering the fluid going into the cooler.

I've seen a few threads on the V10 cooler, but since I had the tru-cool already installed and in place, I went ahead and bought a factory replacement for what was on the truck and just plumbed the two together.

If I've confused anybody, just ask questions and I'll answer them as best as I can.

On Eit: I didn't notice Daryl's reply about the pre and post filter installation. Take my reply as further information to his reply. :sorry
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SDD Junior Member
Apr 19, 2005
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I couldnt get a part number for the V10 cooler so I got the stock replacement cooler. I installed the supplied filter after the coolers in the return line going back to the trans. I got the OTW cooler flushed out and all back together. This trans seems great. It shifts great and I have put about 100 miles on it. My rpms are lower at highway speeds which tells me that the old one was slipping for a while. Oh well, time will tell. And with a 3/36 warranty, im gonna drive it for a little while and then sell it. I got to say thanks to Dale and Chris at They were so very helpful and had a great price on the trans. Anyone that has a chance to deal with these guys should. A very pleasant expeirence.


Apr 10, 2005
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Goose Creek, SC
DmaxEter said:
I couldnt get a part number for the V10 cooler so I got the stock replacement cooler. I installed the supplied filter after the coolers in the return line going back to the trans. I got the OTW cooler flushed out and all back together. This trans seems great. It shifts great and I have put about 100 miles on it. My rpms are lower at highway speeds which tells me that the old one was slipping for a while. Oh well, time will tell. And with a 3/36 warranty, im gonna drive it for a little while and then sell it. I got to say thanks to Dale and Chris at They were so very helpful and had a great price on the trans. Anyone that has a chance to deal with these guys should. A very pleasant expeirence.

I'm surprised you couldn't get the part numbers for the V-10 cooler...Dale Lakin supplied these to me just recently:

99-00 = XC3Z7A095CA
01-03 = 3C3Z7A095AA


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