Tranny seepage & oil leaks


Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
under the cheddar curtain
So I have spent a good week fretting about my overall trans health- while installing gauges i noticed red fluid on the trans pan bolts and at the mouth of the inspection cover.

Tonite I trekked out to the MOB HQ- in West Chicago. I guess i am an Associate of the MOB now!:cool:

We got my truck on the hoist and determined that my trans issues were most likely the pan bolts being on the loose side and a non-specific (yet) engine oil leak. the torque converter was bone dry. whew! snugged up the pan bolts and I was on my way.

The MOB folks there were really knowledgable and reassuring, especially Dale and Greg. Those of you who went to the BTS open house may remember Dale- he is the one with the white Excursion that snuck up on y'all and posted HUGE dyno numbers: 402/7xx's.

So now I need to trace down the source of my oil leak. I will post pics after I get some sleep. The current thinking is its either valve cover gaskets, trans dipstick tube seal or maybe the dreaded turbo pedastal o-rings leaking. The oi leak is slight-mostly wetness, no trickels or rivulets.

Any tips on cleaning and locating small oil leaks? simple green and a good soak is all I can think of doing.


Señor Aceite de Soja
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
dpantazis said:
So I have spent a good week fretting about my overall trans health- while installing gauges i noticed red fluid on the trans pan bolts and at the mouth of the inspection cover.

So now I need to trace down the source of my oil leak. I will post pics after I get some sleep. The current thinking is its either valve cover gaskets, trans dipstick tube seal or maybe the dreaded turbo pedestal o-rings leaking. The oil leak is slight-mostly wetness, no trickles or rivulets.

Any tips on cleaning and locating small oil leaks? simple green and a good soak is all I can think of doing.

I located my tranny leak by spraying brake cleaner around the pan bolts and where the dip stick joins the top of the pan housing. Then I drove for a day or two and re-inspected the leak. My leak was at the bottom of the dipstick tube. Remove the bolt at the back of the head that secures the dipstick. Remove the dip stick. The dip stick is really two parts. The middle junction is held together by an o-ring and the bottom of the dipstick is held to the top of the pan housing by black silicone. After removing the dipstick suck out a quart or two of ATF and save it. Use brake cleaner to clean the bottom (inside and out) of the dipstick and the up flange where it attaches to. Once clean and dry, apply black silicone and reassemble. Re-attach bolt to back of head (PITA). Refill saved ATF. Start truck and re-check ATF level. That fixed my leak.


Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
under the cheddar curtain
some pics...

HHN, thanks for the suggestion. I did not think of the dipstick tube. Luckily i did take a picture of it.
I think I will wash the motor good this weekend and see if i can locate the leak.

I loaded up some pics of my fun- Webshots album
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