you best give a call to brian at BTS and ask him kindly for his advice.
iirc- what he advised me to do with my 2000 4R100, is run PLAIN JANE Mercon through it and change the fluid and filter every 30k per the book. The stock clutches don't like the slipperyness of the synthetic fluid.
i am not saying that your tranny is toast, i am saying talk to the expert.
my 4r100 with the 5r100 cooler barely blips on the temp gauge.
you best give a call to brian at BTS and ask him kindly for his advice.
iirc- what he advised me to do with my 2000 4R100, is run PLAIN JANE Mercon through it and change the fluid and filter every 30k per the book. The stock clutches don't like the slipperyness of the synthetic fluid.
i am not saying that your tranny is toast, i am saying talk to the expert.
my 4r100 with the 5r100 cooler barely blips on the temp gauge.