This is FORD Country
I need to buy a new pig tail assembly for my trucks trailer wiring harness. Someone hacked into it before I bought it and the probs are already starting. Already patched it a little bit. Its got the big 7 pin connector which works still and its also got off to the side of that a flat 4 connector which isnt working all the way. I'd rather just buy everything new. I dont want to have to carry an adapter for the 7 pin that converts it to flat 4. I went to O'reilleys and it was a 7pin with a built in flat 4. Says it fit ford and gm. Well the pig tail didnt even fit my pig tail on my truck. Anyone else have any ideas where I can get one besides gettin the expensive one from ford? I would also like to get a 5th wheel pig tail for my bed too since Im doing all this. Someone make a kit that does a 5th wheel set up and the 7 pin and flat 4 at the rear of the truck?