To all the parents out there.


Resident Of Hicktown
Jul 12, 2005
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Hey folks,
This post comes on a more solem note. I ask that all parents that see this remind their children who drive, to wear seat belts an not speed. I unfortunately lost a cousin of mine on March 3rd,2006 @ 10pm. He was only sixteen. He was speeding and not wearing a seat belt. His car was air born for quite a bit. We are pretty sure he was dead on contact. I am an EMT for our county and was on another roll over on the other side of the county. Both wrecks were approx 2 mins apart. The wreck I was on were 2 boys celebrating their 21st birthdays. Luckily they both lived. Not 3 days later a 1/4 from where my cousin wrecked and died. Another wreck occurred killing I believe a 20-22 year old girl. None of these wrecks should have happened. My cousin can never be replaced but we can learn form his mistake. I urge an beg all of you to try an prevent this form happening to your families. I wish it upon no one. But given my profession, this is something I see far too often. I'm sorry for the long post, just hope I can help keep someone's child safe with this bitter reminder of how fragile life is behind the wheel. Thank you and God bless yor families!

ranger boy

Banned User
May 1, 2005
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Fireman said:
Hey folks,
This post comes on a more solem note. I ask that all parents that see this remind their children who drive, to wear seat belts an not speed. I unfortunately lost a cousin of mine on March 3rd,2006 @ 10pm. He was only sixteen. He was speeding and not wearing a seat belt. His car was air born for quite a bit. We are pretty sure he was dead on contact. I am an EMT for our county and was on another roll over on the other side of the county. Both wrecks were approx 2 mins apart. The wreck I was on were 2 boys celebrating their 21st birthdays. Luckily they both lived. Not 3 days later a 1/4 from where my cousin wrecked and died. Another wreck occurred killing I believe a 20-22 year old girl. None of these wrecks should have happened. My cousin can never be replaced but we can learn form his mistake. I urge an beg all of you to try an prevent this form happening to your families. I wish it upon no one. But given my profession, this is something I see far too often. I'm sorry for the long post, just hope I can help keep someone's child safe with this bitter reminder of how fragile life is behind the wheel. Thank you and God bless yor families!
Sorry for your loss Jim, I lost a cousin in a motorcycle accident a year ago, and it's very tough, he was 20 years old

Praying for you and your family, and god bless!


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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sorry to hear that.the retard next door to me just got his liscense last week.had it 2 days.i got called at 1AM to go tow his car cuz he hit a tree.i get to the seen and he first clipped a pole and then went backwards on 1 wheel into a tree backwards.him and his buddy got out andwalked away without a scratch.the trunk was damn near in the back seat.told his mother he was doing 30MPH.this was on a tight,windy,hilly road.i told his mother he had to be doing about 65-70 when he lost it on a corner and clipped the telephone pole as he broke the pole also.took me 20 minutes to get his car out of the ditch and off the lucky hes alive,the tree or pole couldve been somebodies daughter.

ranger boy

Banned User
May 1, 2005
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That's how I never got in an accident, my parents always said that if you hit something there's a large chance it could be a person.

Never got in an accident, hopefully never will


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
Seat belts are something I wear without even thinking twice. I laugh at my self when I get in the truck to move it around the driveway and I've put my seatbelt on without thinking, but then I'm thankful it's such an instinctive reaction becaues I know I'm doing it when I leave the house.

When I have kids I'll rewire the ignition to work only when the driver's seatbelt is buckled. No little annoying buzzer simply the car won't start.


Certified Diesel Driver
Apr 6, 2005
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My sincerest condolences on your families loss, your family is in my prayers. I, like you, have seen the results of poor driving and someone not willing to make the smallest compromise to wear a seatbelt. They do indeed save lives. What angers me more is children not strapped in a child seat or in a seat belt. Adults, as far as I'm concerned, can make there own decisions. But ALL children MUST be strapped in ALL tha time. As for those parents who use the excuse that the child take it off or unbuckles it. Well be a PARENT and apply sufficient discipline so as to ensure compliance!!!!

Sorry for the rant, this is an issue of mine obviously.


Full Access Member
May 12, 2005
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Always tough to be reminded that way....
but sometimes I wonder if it's meant to be given the impact it has on those close to them...

hard to believe right now that the pain could EVER pass, but this was told to me when I lost my 16 yr old son...

"You'll NEVER forget and it will never get better,
but it will just get less worse with time"

you are doing good to remind others... thank you and our prayers are with the family...

RE Seat belts...
I grew up on motorcycles so had the "intellectual" logic that didn't need no stinkin seat belts.... and didn't wear them for many years...

My daughter had a lesson on seat belts in elementary school and being the persistent person she is, wore me down with "Please Dad, you need to wear your seat belt" until I did...

Not 3 months later my sports car had a right rear blowout at about 65 mph that flopped over and re-directed me toward a LARGE drop-off...
was told I rolled no less than 5 times and know I was out cold, but still hanging from the seat belt upside down when they got to me....
EVERYTHING else was ejected from the car, but me...
to this day I haven't found my cell phone, etc...

I hugged and kissed my little girl LOT'S after that ....
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Jun 12, 2005
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My thought and prayers are with you. I was lucky enough to survive an accident at 17 not wearing a seatbelt in which I should have passed.


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
Sorry to hear about your cousin. These kids (and we've all been there) think they know everything when they get their licenses. I heard someone say (I don't remember if was a wrecker driver or an emt) that they had never unbuckled a dead person from a seat belt. Good words to live by.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
02SilverStroke said:
I heard someone say (I don't remember if was a wrecker driver or an emt) that they had never unbuckled a dead person from a seat belt.
I have. Once. I will never forget it. The steering column crushed him, airbag and all.

I have also been on scene when a truckload of kids (riding in the back) lost control and crashed into a phone pole and a bunch of trees. They didn't find one of the kids until the next morning. He was thrown something like 70 feet into some brambles. Of five kids in the vehicle, only two lived. Both had their seatbelts on. The ones in the back were not so lucky. They all died. The passenger was paralyzed, and the driver, who was drunk, doing about 65 in a 35 on wet roads, walked away without a scratch. I almost killed him myself when I saw the strands of long blonde hair stuck in the phone pole with scalp still attached. I was 13 at the time, the accident happened right out in front of our house. I woke up to the screaming and crunching and other noises associated with a mid-80's Chevy pickup taking out a phone pole and a couple trees. It was an important lesson for me. I never went without my seatbelt, and always drove safe, without a single hitch.

Sometimes it takes horrific vividness, like seeing it with your own eyes, or losing a loved one, to make us realize the consequences of life's most mundane details and decisions.