...makeing noise so as I Posted earlier: @110K, I fugured I'd just replace the whole clutch assembly.Bought a complete LUK clutch set up includeing the flywheel. Dropped my truck off at my FORD garage yesterday. they went to work.
Called me in the afternoon.... the FORD pilot bearing had gone Ballistic and ate up the end of the Tranny in-put shaft. Sooo off to the tranny shop for a New in-put staft ($800.00 bucks). Requires a tear down to replace the shaft.
I guess what I'm saying is..... any of you with a 6-speed ? As soon as you hear/feel anything with the clutch.... get it fixed. From what I hear This Pilot Bearing failure is NOT un-common. Stems from... To much truck & torque, not enough OEM bearing and WHOLE clutch assembly, even stock. (Not to mention what effect, Mods may have had)
Called me in the afternoon.... the FORD pilot bearing had gone Ballistic and ate up the end of the Tranny in-put shaft. Sooo off to the tranny shop for a New in-put staft ($800.00 bucks). Requires a tear down to replace the shaft.
I guess what I'm saying is..... any of you with a 6-speed ? As soon as you hear/feel anything with the clutch.... get it fixed. From what I hear This Pilot Bearing failure is NOT un-common. Stems from... To much truck & torque, not enough OEM bearing and WHOLE clutch assembly, even stock. (Not to mention what effect, Mods may have had)