Civilized Humanitys have never been, or will ever be, able to..... reason with cultures that are driven by a belief that blowing themselves up, by what ever means, killing and maiming the innosent, Or, attempting to eliminate another Religious faction, outside influence or Race....
If Saddam were to be "Taken Out", without >some sort< of Trial, he would become a Martyr. An Iraqi Armagedon would take place. Led by the Sunni radicals. Dealing with the the "Sunni" ? Sunni is just a word. IMO, we are dealing with Saddams Mafia.... in the name of a religion, to give his "MOB' some Media clout.
No Race, Religion or Culture in that part of the world, has been content with
their Lot in Life.... for Centuries. And never will be.
The ONLY thing we, as civilized cultures can do is: Attempt to stabilize the dis-content by showing them ways to have Freedoms they've never had.
Just some thoughts.