this is great


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
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I can only see this as counter-productive. If they keep killing his defense team, the trial will never end and they wont get to execute him. They are delaying their own agenda.

ranger boy

Banned User
May 1, 2005
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*Dumb comment inserted here*

Let's try killing him instead.
Last edited:

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
2005Diesel said:
Whoever did that, +10,000,000 kudos for you.
Brett, you're young and probably don't see the problem with what you've just said... This lawyer was an innocent man. He never did anything wrong, other than his job. It is necessary in a free, honest society that there are lawyers who will defend even the most heinous of defendants, in order to maintain a judicial system based on the ideals of innocent until proven guilty, and the need for every person to have an adequate, energetic defense. Without this, we are no better than Saddam.

Most defense lawyers despise the men they are defending, but continue to to do it because their efforts are NECESSARY for the common good.

If they had killed Saddam, I would be tipping a glass to them right now. But killing an innocent man makes them no better than Saddam himself.

Like TxAtty said, they are only HELPING Saddam, not hurting him.


Master Baiter
Jan 5, 2006
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As much as I lean toward prosecution over criminal defense, let me relay a story told to me by a defense attorney when asked why he defends accused criminals -

A young man and his sister were attending a party and he had too much to drink. He did not remember leaving the party. On the way home there was an accident and the sister was killed. When found by a passer-by, the car was upside down and both people were partially out of the car. The witness helped remove both people from the car but she was already gone. The witness tells police he observed the boy on the left side of the car so he was arrested and charged with intoxicated manslaughter. Facing 20 years in prison he pleaded not guilty and went to trial all the while convinced of his own guilt and despondent over killing his sister.

On the witness stand the person that found them was being cross examined by the defense (cutting this shorter here) and eventually got exasperated. In frustration he affirmed that, yes the boy was on the left side of the vehicle. The defense attorney asked if he had witnessed the accident occur to which he said No. "Then how do you know he was driving?" he was asked - his response - "I never said he was driving. What noone has bothered to notice, or let me explain, was that the car was UPSIDE DOWN. Therefore, the "left" side of the car was the passenger side."

The boy was not driving. He did not kill his sister. He was himself convinced of his own guilt but he was wrong. Without a defense attorney, he would have gone to prison for his sister driving drunk.
Jun 6, 2006
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Keller, TX
Great story, Atty! Our justice system is not perfect, but it's the best one out there (IMO).

Tx_Atty said:
]I can only see this as counter-productive. If they keep killing his defense team, the trial will never end and they wont get to execute him. They are delaying their own agenda.
So, true, as well. Unfortunately, the people carrying out these executions never think more than one step at a time. They don't seem to have the ability to see the long term consequences of their actions. :confused:
I have no use for Saddam and am sad to see him still get any publicity. The sooner he gone, the better off the world will be. (Again, IMO)



living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
i agree he needs a defense attorney to ensure he goes away dead.
however we do not need former US counsels going over trying to enforce US law in IRAQ, there law works just fine at eliminating the guilty.
US attornies have no bus. there enforcing bits and pieces of our law.
We the US are not trying him. the IRAQI people are period.
and we should not do anything but ensure the trial goes without interuption or he escapes.
then if the UN wants to try him on war crimes or any other crap, hopefully he wil have been executed by then.

as long as he is alive the people will be uneasy, even the ones that play hanoi jane games and change partners in the night. VC.

and then our brave 7 soldiers and one sailor get charged for murder in a time of war when they are doing what we trained them for to KILL and ask questions later,

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