Ford_Forgotton said:
Its supposed to be *almost* a line for line remake of the original. even the sets are the same.
So why even do it then? It is so odd to me how Hollywood has been doing nothing but the following three things for so many years that I can't remember the last good, original movie that came out:
1.) Remaking old movies, supposedly bigger and better, but truthfully not. I give you King Kong, Poseidon, The Omen, and a bunch of others that I can't think of right now;
2.) Making comic books into movies, and then making sequels to them. I give you spiderman, the X-men, etc (this one actually does have SOME redeeming qualities, since these movies are kind of cool)
3.) Making controversial films that get popular solely off of the controversy. People that actually go see them are typically "underwhelmed" with the film, particularly after all the hype. I give you Brokeback Mountain, The passion of the Christ, and the Da Vinci Code. All movies that most have said were pretty crappy (each in it's own way) for the most part, except for the controversy.
4.) Making musicals. obviously, no one wants to go watch a musical. They are stupid.
Whatever happened to good, solid, creative film making? Write a story, make a film, sell seats in the theatre. The best film made in the last several years did not even rate the theatres, it went to HBO, instead. Ever seen Band Of Brothers???