The North Carolina Gas Tax Will Increase 15% On New Year's Day! TAKE ACTION!


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
If you're going to jack the fuel taxes to cover all road projects then I expect a corresponding drop in my state income tax. Which is not going to happen.

I fundamentally oppose the concept of taxing a product out of affordablity which is what you are proposing. Which is exactly what is being done with tobacco. Why are you suggesting we artificially raise the price? Why not artificially raise the price of milk, eggs or internet access. Or heck why don't we just increase general sales tax until you don't buy anything other than the vital necessities.

The natural flow of the market will provide for the end of high petroleum consumption without gov't intervention until then the research into alternative fuels will be minimized. When the price of oil based products is high enough alternative sources will be commonplace. At which point the alternative fuels will be sold for a price that competes with the petroleum based products to cover R&D costs that were done prior to the demand being there.

Before you go spewing the nonsens about money in the pockets of the Arabs why don't you do some research and figure out exactly where the imports of crude oil actually come from. While some does come from the arab countries it is far from the majority of the imports, it only accounts for aproximately 20% of the total oil imports. Just incase you're too lazy to do your own research I'll link you toa DOE site with the top 15 countries that we import oil from. I did the calculations to arrive @ the aproximately 20% (actually 18.7) based on sept '05 imports.

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