aint no cryin goin on here kleetus. but businesses like this shut down plants, put people out of jobs, and jack up the salaries of those at the top levels?
that is the point of view i was lookin at.
To a point, yeah, but do you really think some guy running a fork lift with barely a high school education really needs to make 80k a year? I think not. And then have the audacity to ask for more, or complain that his benefits are being squeezed? Hi! Welcome to the real world where the rest of us live. The UAW needs to get their heads out of their rears and take a look around. Union work force in the US is about 13% of the total workforce. I feel pretty safe that the other 87% of the country doesn't enjoy benefits like they have. They should just be damn happy they're still working at all. The big three might actually be competitive if they didn't have the UAW stone around their necks.
I'm not going to say that people aren't going to get burnt due to mismanagement and failure to see the writing on the wall, but the stubborn attitude runs both ways. These people go home after their 8 hour shift, and they're done. The higher ups I guarantee don't stop after 8 hours. I'm salaried as an engineer, and I wish my day was done at 8 hrs. Now try running an entire division with people who could care less below you with no work ethic or "it's not my job attitude"
I'm just tired of this tax the rich mentality that keeps rearing it's ugly head. Mind you, I'm not pointing at you.