WD40 said:
Man that thing looks like a new one. While you had it apart why didn't you go ahead and do the Zoodad mod on it. Just asking or did you run out of time?
I don't even know what the Zoodad mod is??
I got my setup from a guy on Ebay. (Had bought it for his 05, but got rid of the truck, that's why I had to do the front end upgrade also, would not work with the older front end)
The best place I found for the warn 16.5 winch and ss transformer is
4buy4.com around $ 2,490 for both and free shipping. Plus you can now get a $200 rebate from Warn if you buy both.
The bumpers was a dealer take off. They do not come in colors, you have to paint to match if you have any other color, (especially my Toreador Red since they do not offer it anymore) and I have not got around to getting that done yet. Just was more interested in getting the stuff finally installed, and will worry about that when I get the side repainted that was keyed a few years ago.
I have about $900 in the front end mod, as I said the bumper was a dealer takeoff I got off of Ebay, and the rest of the parts, (header panel, lights, grill), I got from 1stfordparts.com. The harness for the lighting upgrade was from GOS.
If you are going to try and use the grill and lights without a new bumper, you will have to cut about 3/4" off of the bottom, and figure out how to anchor the bottom, or you can get the grill that is being sold on Ebay, that has been pre-modified for the older bumpers.
I'm very happy with it, now just gotta get the front end back up.