I assume that your referring to milk.
if by "milk" you mean "beer," then yeah...
Yah.. Milk.. Canned Milk.. a Light Milk.... Comes from a specailized Dairy, somewhere in Colorado.... Golden, Colorado... I think.
I assume that your referring to milk.
if by "milk" you mean "beer," then yeah...
maybe i am a nood here, but where are the up pipes and what exactly do they do? I know the are in the exhaust, and my turbo car doesn't have them, any one help me out elaborate on this for me please
The "UP" pipes are the 2 "Pipes" that come from the exhaust manifolds "Up" to the Turbo. The exhaust that flows thru them is what drives (powers) the turbo. When the exhaust Exits the turbo.. it the goes thru... what yul hear referred to as: The "Down Pipe". All, are purdy much hidden.. on the back end of the engine.. between It.. and the Firewall.
Hope this helps ??
I am sure that your turbo car has some kind of "up" pipe or the turbo wouldn't work.
That is what i figured they were but I have never seen back there on the truck. I am pretty familiar with the rest of it, i just don't have an up pipe on there so that is a bit new to me. [Is it common for people to upgrade the up pipes when doing exhaust or anything?] Haven't heard much talk of them on the couple forums i frequent. Thanks for the clarification there Joe, appreciate it.