Ok, just got back from a weekend of camping.

The truck performed better than it EVER had. The new flash obviously changes how the trans learns among other things. There was a little of everything, running 65 mph on the interstate, 2 lane US Hwy with some rolling hills, and some 2 lane state hwy with some 6%+ grades. It ran awsome.
One thing I noticed was less shifting on Interstate hills that previous would unlock the TC or even cause a downshift to Direct. The other thing I noticed is that it would now stay in OD with the TC locked up as low as 55 mph as long is it was either flat or slightly down hill. I think Ford got it right with this flash.
I'll be heading out this weekend to not sure where yet. The weekend of the 16th I'll be going up to Riggins, ID which will require a good bit of mountains. I'm gonna run her wheels off this month, and hope to do it next month.
You can check my pics here:
July 4th photos