I got the email also, and it obviously worked, as I logged in for the first time in 6 months. Curiosity took hold, not to try and win a prize as much as to try and figure out what the "catch" is.
Jaded by the days of the Reader's Digest Sweepstakes sweeping up millions from retirees subscribing to stacks of unread books and magazines in the hopes of being eligible to claim the tens of thousands of dollars that they've already supposedly already won, but somehow never see... I was curious what clever trick got cooked up on the internet this time.
Please don't misunderstand... this isn't an accusation against this contest! This is simply an admission of how skeptical one can become about "prizes."
Now that I've logged in to see what is going on with this site (whoa...looks very different... didn't this site used to have a red SDD logo? now it is blue?), it occurred to me that the more important question regarding forum sustainability is not the number of future promised prizes that pull people in, it is the content and culture that makes people stay put.
And the natural microcosm to that question evolved to: Why did I leave?
That's the tough question. Especially when I still visited TDS, FTE, PSN, & PSO.
I'll have to give that question some thought. In the meantime, the names I recall very well from my earlier participation on this site include WD40 (Doug), DaveBen, Big Joe, Powerboatr, and Royboy. Lo and behold, I see that these guys are still keeping the torch lit over here. I hope these loyal members get the prizes, but I bet they will keep the flame lit anyway, with or without inducements.
I hope you decide to make this another forum you add to that list of regular visited forums you go to now. The prizes are real. They will cost me a pretty penny, but to me its worth it if this contest brings back the activity that SDD had. I could have gone and spent the same amount of money on advertising the forum, but thats always a hit and miss. This contest is another hit and miss, but it seems to be working so far. I think alot of the reasons that many people left was when the forum skin(look) was changed to a very dark color and it was very hard on the eyes and to read. I love the dark look, but even for me the SDD skin was hard to view. I believe it was because of the blue text that went with the black background. Also, the SDD logo was never there, just the default vbulletin logo, so the personality of the site I believe was lost as well. These recent forum changes are not the last, and there will always something I will be adding to the forum. Thanks for making your way back and I hope to see you here at a regular basis.
Shaggy has bought this site from 97_stroker (Mike). He has been trying to figure out how to get the traffic back for some weeks. I think he has finally figured out what has been missing. Mike introduced this new vBulletin format but never incorcorated many things like the SDD header and logo. Without these, nobody would stick around very long. The prizes are more attraction. I feel Shaggy has done a wonderful job fixin up this place.
Dave, thanks for the compliments. We will make this forum active again. I am sure of it!