well since this is continuing ill REVISE my recommendation...
buy what ever you can afford w/out going into debt...make due w/ what
ever you can afford (weve all been there at some point), live w/in your
means and SAVE your money
I had a little ford ranger (regular cab) when i started out and had my
son...it was even a stick (try getting 2 adults and a baby seat in that)...
we got by and never thought the worst for it.
the ranger provided good fun later when Kyle was outta the large
baby seat...he stat in the middle and shifted gears for me
eventually we "graduated" the a 96 f150 xtra cab and thought we
were in hog heaven...3 kids in the back "bench"/jump seat (and they
never complained)...when it got too crowded one came up front
and sat in the middle of the wife & I.
so my recommendation is for a crewcab...IF you can afford it...if
not then get what you can EASILY afford and put the crewcab on
your "wish" list...youll get there faster by saving your hard earned
money than if you have to go into to MUCH debt.