96EDGEpsd said:
i kno this is stupid, but does anyone know wut would happen if u tried to use 2 plug it programmers at once?? would the second one detect the first one right away? or save it as stock setting???
As best i can tell, here is what would happen. You would download the program from tuner #1, with the following things happening:
- The tuner would pull the stock program off of your computer and store it in memory, then download it's custom program onto your PCM.
Then you plug in tuner #2 and the following things happen:
- THe tuner would pull the Tuner #1 program off of your PCM, thinking it is the stock program, and save it to memory. Then it would download ITS program onto your PCM.
Net result? You have tuner #2's info and tuner #2's info ONLY on your PCM, so you just wasted your time.
When people refer to "stacking", which (I think) is what you are asking about, they are refering to using a "box" and programmer at the same time. With your truck, the only choices I am aware of for a "box" are the Edge EZ and MAYBE the J/A, but I am sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. These plug in under your hood and adjust parameters from sensors to the PCM. NOW, you can add a tuner programmer, and it will add power on top of your box.
As far as using two "boxes", which i now realize that this may be what your question really is, since they all do the same thing, it would be repetitive and non-beneficial, as the following is likely to occur...
Since most underhood "boxes" control ICP signal, all they do is adjust the signal being sent to the PCM, so the PCM adjusts for conditions that really do not exist, and raises IC pressure. If you had two of them, what you would end up with is the first one "lying" tot he PCM, and the second one getting the "false" signal, and doing one of two things with it.
First, it realizes that the signal is within it's acceptale parameters and does nothing with it, with no perceptable advantage at all.
Second, it figures it'll boost the signal anyway, and ends up throwing the signal WAY out of the PCM's parameters, sets a code, and probably defuels the engine, and puts it into "limp" mode.
You can stack box and tuner, but not tuner/tuner or box/box. Just the way she works...