Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Alexandria, Virginia
So has anyone taken a glass jar of diesel - tossed in some soy oil - shook it up and then let it sit for a couple days? Be interesting to see if it stays mixed.


Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
rgdillon said:
So has anyone taken a glass jar of diesel - tossed in some soy oil - shook it up and then let it sit for a couple days? Be interesting to see if it stays mixed.

While I have not actually completed the test you describe, the science of it says that it *should* stay mixed. That and 98 cents will get you a cup of coffee, though, so maybe I'll give it a shot when I get a chance...


Full Access Member
Jun 26, 2005
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02SilverStroke said:
Do you fill the diesel to the edge of the filler (like I do) or do you leave some room for the 4.6 gallons? When you put the second 4.6 gallons in your tank, does it fill it up again? Then do you use it all up until the next fill up and do the process all over again? Just curious. As I've noted on the biodiesel forum, I just filled my PSD with the second consecutive tank of "BioWillie" and got the best "local" mileage ever (18.79 mpg). The station is usually out of my normal driving area, but it's close to my son's house, so I fill up when we go get the granddaughter. I got a little on my hands the other day and asked my mother, my son, and my daughter in law to smell of it. They didn't recognize the smell until I suggested it smelled like burned cooking oil.

I'm not using WVO for the Vegetable oil. I use VVO, new oil!!

I have the hutch mod I wish I didn't. I let the pump shut off so I figure I have about 2.5Gallons of space left. That's all it will hold after it clicks off. At 15 MPG that leaves about 5.5 gallons of space when I get home. The 55 miles to work burns about 3.6 gallons for a total of 4.5 gallons of space. Wensday when I got to work I went ahead and tried to fill it. it would only hold about 4 Gallons!! I don't add any fuel of any kind until its almost empty, about 700 miles!!
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Alexandria, Virginia
Mobeydick said:
I'm not using WVO for the Vegetable oil. I use VVO, new oil!!

I have the hutch mod I wish I didn't. I let the pump shut off so I figure I have about 2.5Gallons of space left. That's all it will hold after it clicks off. At 15 MPG that leaves about 5.5 gallons of space when I get home. The 55 miles to work burns about 3.6 gallons for a total of 4.5 gallons of space. Wensday when I got to work I went ahead and tried to fill it. it would only hold about 4 Gallons!! I don't add any fuel of any kind until its almost empty, about 700 miles!!

Are you doing this on the 7.3 or one of the 6.0's? Assume since you mention the Hutch mod it's the 7.3. You might have said and I just missed it. If you haven't done so on the 6.0 - do you plan on it?



Full Access Member
Jun 26, 2005
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I'm doing it on both my 01 7.3 and my 06 6.0!

I don't drive the 06 very much!!
Last edited:


fly'n low on WVO
Apr 27, 2005
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Kansas City area
Nice to see Veggie oil getting some notice. :sweet

I have run over 20,000 miles on WVO/SVO, and have mixed diesel 80/20 with veggie oil, also jet A 80/20 with veggie oil.

Yes I have put it in a bucket and mixed it ( slosh style ) for the most part it stays mixed, but there is some seperation the longer it sits. Before my SVO/WVO conversion I would only do this in the warm months only. I only put it in one diesel tank not both diesel tanks. I start on diesel and swith to the mix after the engine is warm. Introducing Veg oil in a cold engine only promotes cokeing (sp) of the rings and valves and injectors.

Look at my sig, I never noticed a loss in performance, but after my long run (2200 mile) on veg oil I noticed a drop in fuel mileage when running on veg oil.

I agree, help the farmers and decrease the MEGA profits that our oil compaines are making. We get oil from more places then the middle east, but we are charged prices as though all of it comes for the middle east.

Mike K

يساعد المعركة لحرية
Oct 23, 2005
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Baghdad International Airport
for those running veggie...
where do you get your veg oil from, are you getting it new or are you going to local stores and getting it after they have used the oil?


fly'n low on WVO
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kansas City area
Mike K said:
for those running veggie...
where do you get your veg oil from, are you getting it new or are you going to local stores and getting it after they have used the oil?

I have been collecting for almost 2 years, sometimes its hard, rendering companies are starting to pay for the oil. I have paid for WVO also. But I do have a few places where I pick up oil once every other week.

I have bought SVO from Sam's club, but it isn't worth it for me unless Diesel is over $3.20 a gallon. A cubie (sold by the pound, 35# = about 4.5 gal ) from sams will run around $2.88/gal add the taxes and your around $3 a gallon.

Mike K

يساعد المعركة لحرية
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Baghdad International Airport
KansasDiesel said:
I have been collecting for almost 2 years, sometimes its hard, rendering companies are starting to pay for the oil. I have paid for WVO also. But I do have a few places where I pick up oil once every other week.

I didn’t know they were starting to pay for the waste... that is good info. Do you know, by chance, what the collection company does with the WVO? Do they 'clean it' and turn around and make 'new' veg oil and resell it?

I am really interested in this whole veg oil thing but just started looking into it. I read an article in a magazine (one of the diesel truck ones - don’t remember which one but I do know it was a couple months old) and they talked about pulling up to a mom and pop restaurant and just asking if they could take their WVO from them. At the time it sounded like most placed were agreeing (assuming they had to pay for disposal at that time?) and they were taking the WVO, dumping it in a tank in their truck. It would obviously run through some filters before going into the engine but it was that simple. I do realize that you have to start out in diesel and let the engine to warm up so the veg oil wouldn’t get cold and turn into a solid... but that’s easy to overcome.

Is it really that simple now? With the collection companies paying (maybe not all are but I think more will start to catch on) what does the future look like for veg oil users? At first this looked like a huge cost savings for diesel owners..... any thoughts?



fly'n low on WVO
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kansas City area

The large rendering company around me owns a trash removal companie also, I have heard they make bio and run it in all there trucks, And they don't pay all places, some they are still charging the restruants. I had a store getting 60 gals a week took it from the rendering company because the were charging for it when they lost the acct. they offered to pay then I lost the acct. The small mom & pop places are either dumping it or paying and they don't use enough to make the rendering companies nervous. So It's still out there.

Diesel Power has run articials on veg oil, but it is not as simple as to pull up and fill your tank. There are several out there including me that are trying to come up with a Great way to filter on the road, it just isn't there yet. The main problem is that all oil has a degree of water in it which is a BAD thing for our PSD injectors. Causes bad pitting and failed injectors. Also 2 kinds of water the visable water that we can easily get out and the suspended water that is sometime invisable and has to be removed by heating the oil for and extended period of time. And water also depends on the oil itself.

It is a great hobby, just drove 1000 miles today on 2.5 gallons of diesel..:thumbs but it is an experimental proceedure and there are as many ways to do it as there are people doing it.

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