yes, ive been doing some checking and with transmissions like my at545 allison, you can buy 3 converters for it, one with gas which has a a3hd converter code 270,275 which is a 1.96 stall torque ratio, a code 290 which is a 1.72 stall torque ratio for diesel, and a code 275 which is a 1.96 stall torque ratio. the numbers 270,275, and 290 all refer to a generic conveter code to make it easy to buy from different manufacturers,now the stall torque ratio is another number i havent decifered. im trying to put a 2003 e350 7.3l diesel engine in front of a allison at545 trans and trying to match the original 4r100 trans converter to what i have a choice in buying for the allison. its obviously something to do with torque multiplication of the converter, but im still not certain of exactly how it relates to stall speed as the trans is rated for gas and diesel, but different input speed range for both. any ideas? ive looked through all of mitchell on demand for it, and couldnt find any info either.