Hey all. I was brought here by Bill. I am the owner of this Excursion so figured I'd come over here and say Hi.
Okay to satisfy some of your curiosities. The pipes are not touching the steps. There is actually nearly half an inch between them. I was a little concerned that the steps might melt a little with them being that close, but after driving it for a while now like that they are doing just fine with no melting.
And shin knockers they are for sure. I've actually been planning to cut them off almost flush with the sides so they are sticking out a bit but not as much as they are now and so they don't have that turnout look. But another factor is I just got through lifting my excursion an additional 8 inches for a total of 14 now and have 42 inch tires on the way. So the stacks are more like ummm..........wanker knockers now.
. But if I want them to be legal here in California I actually have to lower them quite a bit since in California it is illegal for the exhaust to exit to the sides of the vehicle between 2 and 11 feet. Pretty stupid, but whatever. Just don't want to give the cops any more reason to harass me.
Well take care!