Tonight, I had planned on running all my wiring for my amps, but the kit didn't arrive on time. So, I took some of the left over MLV and added a layer between the back of the seat and the seat cover. As I went to put the back seat in to test fit, I noticed that the MLV layer the I applied to the back wall had fallen down and separated from the velcro. I was in a hurry installing it last night and forgot to clean the MLV when applying the velcro. The vinyl tape didnt hold the weight of the MLV either, So after a trip to Lowes, I used some staples to attach the Velcro back to the MLV and also used duct tape to seal the bottom and top. The vinyl tape does fine for the flooring application, but I would suggest using some duct tape when hanging the MLV. I didn't use any tape on the door as I didn't have any problems with the Velcro separating plus the door panel keeps the MLV tight against the sheet metal.
Here is the MLV I cut to insert into the back of the seat.
After repairing the back wall, I installed the seat and started the truck up. And boy, could I tell a difference with the back seat with the extra sheet of MLV. Noise from the rear is damn near non-existent now. I'm sure re-installing the door seals, carpet an replacing all the bolts to fill in all the holes will make some difference as well.
My sub box should be done tomorrow and then I will be installing the sub and wiring for my system. I'm still trying to decide on amps to run as well.