God Bless America
Thats only for you TX people.I like the site they recomended just not the sales tax
Thats only for you TX people.I like the site they recomended just not the sales tax
erlong said:I'm in the market for a chip again and one important note is that this valve body is designed to be used with a chip WITHOUT any transmission provisions (i.e. shouldn't use a chip that has increased line pressure).
bigdaddyTank said:Eric has an Excursion Tom, so going to DP wont help him any since Jody doesnt have anything for the Excursions and the PATS, or at least anything he was willing to offer me except that he may have somthing for them in the futureSame issue I just went through and the reason I went with TS, it works with the Excursions. So far I'm lovin my TS 6 position, have not had any issues at all.
bigdaddyTank said:Eric has an Excursion Tom, so going to DP wont help him any since Jody doesnt have anything for the Excursions and the PATS, or at least anything he was willing to offer me except that he may have somthing for them in the futureSame issue I just went through and the reason I went with TS, it works with the Excursions. So far I'm lovin my TS 6 position, have not had any issues at all.
bigdaddyTank said:I heard that the 6 positions are all made by the same manufacturer, its all in the tuning thats loaded into them. My TS has Stock, high idle, 50, 70, 100, and 140HP settings. So far I have done most of my daily driving on the 70 mode. The power is great but the EGT's dont climb like they do with the 100 and 140. I cant say really on how well if any improvments there are in the fuel milage, I have only had it in for less than a week and I'm still "experimenting" with the power settingsEventually Ill stop that and see what I can get on average with the different settings. I know Blackcloud sells 4 position chips but I got mine from TS and the 4 position was the same as the 6. They said the Theft light will blink a little longer after starting up and it does blink for about a minute or 2 then goes out. I havent had any cold starting issues that I heard some chips can cause with the PATS.
LOL Yup and the look on the face of this guy in a Hemi I smoked a couple days ago was priceless, DUDE you got beat by a SUV!erlong said:....What's the value in having a 100HP and a 140HP setting other than "just because you can?"