soldiers found


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
more info

God bless our brave men and women providing the blanket of freedom we all enjoy, and all their families having to carrying the burden of losing a dear loved one


Shutter Bug
Apr 1, 2005
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Robert, looks like the link is only for folks in the .mil or DoD network. :dunno


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
oops i will cut and paste
i figured it would carry, it worked here

"BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 20 — The American military said Tuesday that a search team had found what appeared to be the remains of the two American soldiers captured by insurgents last week during an ambush south of the capital, and a senior Iraqi defense official said the two men had been "brutally tortured."

An American military official in Baghdad, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that both bodies showed evidence of "severe trauma" and that they could not be positively identified. The search team spotted the bodies on Monday night, but it took 12 hours to get to them because soldiers had to make their way through "numerous" bombs along the road leading to the bodies, and around the bodies themselves, the official said."
"wounded or mutilated beyond recognition.

"We couldn't identify them," the American military official in Baghdad said"
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Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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I don't think this will EVER be over. We (the Coalition) will be dealing with these Radicals, for Years to come. It's not the Iraqy peopole.. it's the years and years of radical, religous based, TOTAL corruption... that will keep us there.

BUT..... What IF.. We Packed Up, and went home ? Like the Media/Political few... and I say, FEW, want us to do.. What then ?

Korea has an ICBM.. At The Ready. Iran is developeing Nuclear Weapons capability (if they don't have it already), almost Every country with a Musilm in it, has a problem. (some radical muslims here are just waiting for a signal)

What Then ? If we pull our troops out.

Scarey Question. Scares me.

The HELL with this so call civilized way of dealing with animals that do what these Sub-Human Bastards did to our 2 men.

Beat'm to there Knees, then kick'm in the...... Teeth. ( had a better word)

Nuke'm til' the Glow.. So we can shoot'm in the dark. Turn their lairs into self-lighted park'n lots.

BIG JOE.. Ya, I said that'n meant every word of it.


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
BIG JOE said:
I don't think this will EVER be over. We (the Coalition) will be dealing with these Radicals, for Years to come. It's not the Iraqy peopole.. it's the years and years of radical, religous based, TOTAL corruption... that will keep us there.

BUT..... What IF.. We Packed Up, and went home ? Like the Media/Political few... and I say, FEW, want us to do.. What then ?

Korea has an ICBM.. At The Ready. Iran is developeing Nuclear Weapons capability (if they don't have it already), almost Every country with a Musilm in it, has a problem. (some radical muslims here are just waiting for a signal)

What Then ? If we pull our troops out.

Scarey Question. Scares me.

The HELL with this so call civilized way of dealing with animals that do what these Sub-Human Bastards did to our 2 men.

Beat'm to there Knees, then kick'm in the...... Teeth. ( had a better word)

Nuke'm til' the Glow.. So we can shoot'm in the dark. Turn their lairs into self-lighted park'n lots.

BIG JOE.. Ya, I said that'n meant every word of it.
:hail yes sir couldnt agree more,

we cant pull out it will be a long term commitment, funny though is Kerry and murtha both signed on to send em in. but now they are turncoats....

at video its dated but good
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Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
BIG JOE said:
I don't think this will EVER be over. We (the Coalition) will be dealing with these Radicals, for Years to come. It's not the Iraqy peopole.. it's the years and years of radical, religous based, TOTAL corruption... that will keep us there.

BUT..... What IF.. We Packed Up, and went home ? Like the Media/Political few... and I say, FEW, want us to do.. What then ?

Korea has an ICBM.. At The Ready. Iran is developeing Nuclear Weapons capability (if they don't have it already), almost Every country with a Musilm in it, has a problem. (some radical muslims here are just waiting for a signal)

What Then ? If we pull our troops out.

Scarey Question. Scares me.

The HELL with this so call civilized way of dealing with animals that do what these Sub-Human Bastards did to our 2 men.

Beat'm to there Knees, then kick'm in the...... Teeth. ( had a better word)

Nuke'm til' the Glow.. So we can shoot'm in the dark. Turn their lairs into self-lighted park'n lots.

BIG JOE.. Ya, I said that'n meant every word of it.
Oh yeah, Big Joe, the friggin gloves are OFF. ANYBODY who says that we can reason with these guys, that we should not be chasing every single one of them down to the corners of the earth, needs to be drawn and quartered.

I say we head back to the times right after the "axis of evil" speech. If you harbor terrorists, and by harbor, we mean if you have terrorists within your borders and you are not busting your ass trying to get them, then we WILL invade your country and take care of the problem for you. We need to make this world a place where even the mere thought of harboring terrorism is a feared ideal because the consequences of doing so are so fast, DECISIVE, AND HORRIFIC that no one would even consider it.

We need to reinstate the pride in our country and the moral outrage that we all felt after 9/11. THis is just as blantant and just as terrible.

If you aren't with us, you're against us, and this includes the UN. Anybody whining about our tactics should be ignored. Anybody actively taking a role in trying to subvert or stop us should be lumped in with the enemy, since they are aiding and abetting.

We started this whole thing with an obvious resolve and determination that got a lot of our friends on board, and a lot of our enemies taking notice and doing things to change (can you say LIBYA?). Our resolve has faltered, and as a result, our enemies feel strengthened. Iran and North Korea are currently capitalizing on our lack of resolve. Look where that has gotten us.


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
I agree with all of you. That whole part of the world should be made a parking lot. We need to drop a bunch of "bunker busters" on the Afghan-Pakistan border. When they protest, say "oops we didn't mean to drop them" when we really did. I'll bet the old SOB, OBL would be smoked out of his hole then. You'll all notice that the politicians who are screaming the most about us getting out have never even attempted to go over there to see the action firsthand (like Murtha, Kennedy, Kerry, Dean, and others). Even Lieberman (even though he's for the troops) came back with very positive reports. You don't even hear Hillary whining as much as the others (She's been over there too). In no way am I a Hillary fan, but on some things she does seem to have more cajones than lot of the others in the Senate (but that's mostly to make her look more "Presidential")

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