so according to ford it is normal for this engine to make its own oil?


SDD Junior Member
Nov 16, 2011
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Austintown, Ohio

my 08 F-350 also had 4L extra in the pan the last oil change an also runns the regen almost every time i drive it. it does see alot of city driving as i have a landscapping company i put the edge cs evolution on but haven't got to the dpf delete yet does a tuner with no dpf delete pipe mess things up?

If you remove your cat/DPF you have to have a tuner that stops that regen cycle. The DPF will take extreme temperatures to burn all the soot in the DPF out. You DO NOT want to run through a regen cycle with a delete pipe. The extreme heat from that regen will probably melt the delete pipe. Make sure your tuner has the capabilities to run with the delete. You will see a huge difference in throttle response, huge difference in fuel mileage, mine went from 9 in city and 13/14 on highway to 16 in city and 20 plus on hgwy. Unloaded of course, when pulling my 40 FT fifth wheel I still avg 16/17 on the hgwy. Also watch your EGT's drop drastically after adding the delete pipe and tuner.
Good Luck


Full Access Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I'm going to do the delete as soon as I have the cash. I have a tuner now, I maybe able to have it upgraded with the delete tunes.


Full Access Member
Nov 12, 2011
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Tulsa, Ok
friend of mine has a 2011 f350.hes been having nothing but problems with it from day 1.hes saying the major issues are caused by the goes into regen about everytime he drives it.

its dumping fuel into the crankcase.last oil change was 4 quarts says this is normal.all that fuel in the oil cant be good for it.he also says that its smoking during the regen but not everytime and it lasts about 20 seconds.

has about 21,000 miles on it.hes trying to get ford to buy it back but they wont.he tried to trade it in on a chevy but gm will only give 25,000.00 for trade in value,he just payed 50,000.00 for it.he cant use the lemon law since it doesnt apply to commercial vehicles and ford is classifying it as a CMV due to it being an f350.

anybody got some ideas on this?

First of all, Ford doesn't make or enforce the laws, so I don't see how Ford saying it's a commercial vehicle, automatically makes it so. I also don't see how just the fact that it's an F350 makes it a commercial vehicle. I would think that determination would depend on a few things: how it's registered, how it's tagged, how it's used (any "commercial" type signage on it?), etc.

I know a few people that have Class 8 tractors (semi truck) that use them for pulling huge 5th wheel trailers. These tractors are completely privately owned and registered as an RV. Sure, there's millions of Class 8's on the roads being used as commercial vehicles.... that doesn't make my friends Class 8 tractors commercial vehicles.

I think Ford is playing games, hoping that your friend will get tired of trying to enforce the warranty and go away.
One of the good parts in this story is that Ford should already have documented proof that your friend contacted them well within the warranty period for a privately owned vehicle. I'd even go so far as to make contact with them again, for the same reason, and after being turned down again, make dang sure I came away from the dealer with some kind of proof on paper as to their stance on the issue.

Me? I'd contact an attorney that's familiar with this type of case and let them handle it. The symptoms are only going to get worse from here.


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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1. Ford doesn't make or enforce the laws,

2. Ford is playing games, hoping that your friend will get tired of trying to enforce the warranty and go away.

3. Ford should already have documented proof that your friend contacted them well within the warranty period for a privately owned vehicle.

4. I'd contact an attorney that's familiar with this type of case and let them handle it.

Paraphrase'd, but purdy much sez it All ? :dunno

Sadly, some Dealers "Roll" this way.


Fordologist since 78
Nov 26, 2011
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Southern Green Mountains (Vt.)
Whatever happened to the old motto "Built Ford Tough?" I have a good amount of friends who own newer than 2003 1/2 Ford diesels, and all except one (who doesn't really even use it much, just as a pleasure vehicle,) has had some pretty tough luck with them. Some to the tune of really messing up their finances. I'm an "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" kind of guy, and Ford should be doing everything in their power to correct these issues for these guys with 5,6,700.00/month payments on these trucks IMHO.

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