Have to agree about the two way....
As part of every new vehicle negotiation ever since I first had a remote start... once I think I've gotten all outta the that I can
I get them to toss in a remote start...
So I've had remote starts on the last batch of cars and Ex's
while all had more features than I ever used, haven't gotten one with two way communication and always wonder if the truck started when I was not in line of sight to SEE the lights come on..
The two way is the only feature I wish I had !!!
of all the other neat features on mine, the only one I've used other than the plain jane remote start is the turbo cool down... and I only used that ONCE
so features don't really blo my skirt any more
(Remember the North Tex PS club meet at prestige when some were leaning on the bull bar on the 03 Ex and I hit the remote ??? Thought I was gonna be lynched
a lot of the big box electronic stores have the remotes now too...
like Fry's, best buy, etc...