SES light


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Then is might be batteries. If in doubt have them LOAD TESTED individually.

Dave :)


JMHO but.. Independently Load Testing each battery, then a Cables ,Clamps and Posts cleaning, should be the First thing done.. on anything to do with trouble-shooting anything.. 12v Electrical.


This is FORD Country
Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
Eudora, KS
Yea I will get them tested. I mean the truck turns over fine and everything.

Somethin else weird happened this mornin. Started as usual with its usual ses light and lopeing at idle. Was feeding the animals and noticed when I was walking closer to my truck, all I could really hear is the turbo. It was loud, like someone was running a gigantic vacuum cleaner. I blipped the throttle and it stopped. On my way to work I could watch my boost gauge and it was going between 4 and 5psi and I could hear the turbo louder through my stacks. It was a smooth wooshing sound. No engine light was on during this. The only thing I did differently was I hooked my waste gate back up and hooked up a 2 wire harness that has a wire clip on it way down in the engine valley. Looks like it was under the intake. Any ideas there? I thought hookin all that up would get rid of my SES light but it didnt.


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Yea I will get them tested. I mean the truck turns over fine and everything.

Somethin else weird happened this mornin. Started as usual with its usual ses light and lopeing at idle. Was feeding the animals and noticed when I was walking closer to my truck, (1) all I could really hear is the turbo. It was loud, like someone was running a gigantic vacuum cleaner. I blipped the throttle and it stopped. On my way to work I could watch my boost gauge and it was going between 4 and 5psi and I could hear the turbo louder through my stacks. It was a smooth wooshing sound. No engine light was on during this. >(2)<The only thing I did differently was I hooked my waste gate back up and >(3)< hooked up a 2 wire harness that has a wire clip on it way down in the engine valley. Looks like it was under the intake. Any ideas there? I thought hookin all that up would get rid of my SES light but it didnt.

1. Sounds to Me like: The EBPV was closed (normal, cold).. you would hear that.. Louder, with stacks. When you disable the EBPV, the valve can get loaded up. when you reconnected it.. it could be a little slow to operate properly.. the Blip opened it though.

2. If you disable the W/gate.. without some sort of relief valve (not in your Sig) in the MAP line, BEFORE the MAP sensor.. If/when the Map sencor detects an Overboost.. it will signal the PCM and.. you may get an intermittent SES. If it sences a Big Overboost.. yul get a full-on SES and the PCM will go into a De-fuel (cuts fuel, low on power) mode to try and correct the overboost.

3. That 2 wire connector, as you describe it, was the EBPV connector. It's working.. because of the Blip making it dis-engauge.. but it's now makeing a Sound you havent heard.. when it's engauged ?

Fixes ?

1. No fix

2. Install a BPRV (Boost Pressure Relief Valve) in the MAP line, BEFORE the MAP sensor.. but AFTER the Boost pressure Gauge "T". Erase any codes.. with a Scanner Or.. disconnect the Batts for 20-30 minutes.

3. No fix

JMO but this could maybe be..... the Root cause of your SES issues....:dunno
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This is FORD Country
Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
Eudora, KS
1. Sounds to Me like: The EBPV was closed (normal, cold).. you would hear that.. Louder, with stacks. When you disable the EBPV, the valve can get loaded up. when you reconnected it.. it could be a little slow to operate properly.. the Blip opened it though.

2. If you disable the W/gate.. without some sort of relief valve (not in your Sig) in the MAP line, BEFORE the MAP sensor.. If/when the Map sencor detects an Overboost.. it will signal the PCM and.. you may get an intermittent SES. If it sences a Big Overboost.. yul get a full-on SES and the PCM will go into a De-fuel (cuts fuel, low on power) mode to try and correct the overboost.

3. That 2 wire connector, as you describe it, was the EBPV connector. It's working.. because of the Blip making it dis-engauge.. but it's now makeing a Sound you havent heard.. when it's engauged ?

Fixes ?

1. No fix

2. Install a BPRV (Boost Pressure Relief Valve) in the MAP line, BEFORE the MAP sensor.. but AFTER the Boost pressure Gauge "T". Erase any codes.. with a Scanner Or.. disconnect the Batts for 20-30 minutes.

3. No fix

JMO but this could maybe be..... the Root cause of your SES issues....:dunno

Those wires were disconnected when I bought the truck. I hooked them back up earlier last summer. It just made it idle up a lil faster but since it was summer I didnt need that so I disconnected it. I did get my truck scanned today with a GOOD scanner. It threw the AIH code since I have the AIH disconnected. Also threw a ROM code. He said it probably threw that code when the batteries werent disconnected when I was unplugging things. He cleared the codes but still throws the SES light. I did have the wastegate disconnected for awhile and yes it would throw the SES light for an overboost but would go back off when I drove it normally. Its only doin it at start up. After a few min the light goes off and truck runs perfect. Dont think its a gp issue cause the truck pops off every time. Doesnt miss a lick. Just idles really low and lopes for a few secs, then after a few min the light goes off, the throttle will work normally and idles normally too. When the throttle isnt workin properly, it will barely pull itself a small hill. I have it mashed to the floor and barely moves. Got to be careful though cause once that light goes off and it idles normally it gets its power back and will jump pretty good.


Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Sounds more & more like the EBPV is stuck, or slow to open. Recheck the connector ?

Will it go to High Idle during a warm up ?


This is FORD Country
Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
Eudora, KS
Yea once the light goes off and it continues to run ok, the high idle does work. So yer saying recheck that connector down in the engine valley?? Im also gonna check the TPS and IVS sensor connectors. I've read some probs with them too getting gummed up since they are under the dash.


This is FORD Country
Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
Eudora, KS
Ok the turbo woosh sound is gettin more annoying. Even when I drive it it makes that sound and you can feel a diff in power when it does it then comes back on. Does it till its good and hot. So I popped the hood while it was makin this noise and saw that the EBPV is coming on and off. Can I just remove it or do I just replace whats wrong? Whats causing it to do the woosh? If I accelerate, it stops. But when I hold the throttle in one spot it does it. If i decel it usually doesnt do it.

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