SDD Junior Member
Hello all, I had a slight problem today, thank God I was close to my shop when it happened. About a week ago I heard a slight wirring sound coming from engine compartment so I shut down motor and immediately started snooping around at pulleys and serpentine belt looking for a problem. I reached down to pulleys and serpentine belt pulling and trying to see if there was any play in any of the pulleys. So anyway, nothing out of ordinary so I thought. I guess I should have removed serpentine belt to check everything thoroughly. Well anyway, Started up the truck and not a peep! A week later and ping,ring,ding,ding (thats what it sounded like LOL). Next thing you know I don't have power brakes,power steering, and I guess no water pump.(Thank God engine never got to operating temp. or above. So anyway, I turned right around and made it back to shop alright. Man, can you imagine if that happened somewhere far from home? So question is that I am so nervous about the whole thing that I was wondering if every tensioner pulley and bearinged pulleys for serpentine belt should be replaced? I don't think that I did any damage to fan or radiator because the tensioner pulley shot sraight
down to the ground and I found it on the way back home about a half hour later. The guts of the pulley were ground right out. The strangest thing is that you would think that the thing would make some sort of sound or racket.
Not the case it seems. hahaha. Anyway, with that all out of the way my question is this : Can I get tensioners and pulleys at a local auto parts store or do I have to go to Ford? Thanks, Tom
down to the ground and I found it on the way back home about a half hour later. The guts of the pulley were ground right out. The strangest thing is that you would think that the thing would make some sort of sound or racket.
Not the case it seems. hahaha. Anyway, with that all out of the way my question is this : Can I get tensioners and pulleys at a local auto parts store or do I have to go to Ford? Thanks, Tom