Article SDD Amsoil Synthetics Test

MJ Synthetics

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2009
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So Calif
I currently use Schaffer's 9000 at 7500 OCI. I'm going back to Mobil 1 soon as this is done roughly another 3k or so.

I will follow your testing per your guidelines, but drop the restrictions so I can do it.

Why are you switching from Schaffers to M1?

Will you be running the M1 at 7500 also?

How many miles do you put on your truck a month is it a Daily Driver? How long is it going to take for you run the 3k you have left on the Schaffers if I were to include you in this test?

MJ Synthetics

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2009
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So Calif
I already run synthetic oil and he wants a user that has done OCI's under 5k for the past 2 years.

As I stated before make me an AMZOIL believer or prove me right. I could put this another way be I'll be civil.

Whats that supposed to mean anyway? :watchout

Are you an Amsoil hater right now?


Full Access Member
Jun 5, 2005
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King William, VA
Why are you switching from Schaffers to M1?

Will you be running the M1 at 7500 also?

How many miles do you put on your truck a month is it a Daily Driver? How long is it going to take for you run the 3k you have left on the Schaffers if I were to include you in this test?

To prove to myself that my motor runs best with Mobil 1.

Yes I will be running the M1 at 7500 OCI.

I drive close to 2k if not more every month depending on my work schedule. I'll change the oil right now if need be to get started and it should take me about two months max to hit the OEM 7500 interval.


Full Access Member
Jun 5, 2005
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King William, VA
I already run synthetic oil and he wants a user that has done OCI's under 5k for the past 2 years.

As I stated before make me an AMZOIL believer or prove me right. I could put this another way be I'll be civil.

Whats that supposed to mean anyway? :watchout

Are you an Amsoil hater right now?

You posted up the request for a test mule (with certian criteria) and I've stepped up. I want you to remove the criteria that doesn't really matter in this test. Let's test your product and put an end to any doubt anyone would have about using the Amzoil line.

Personally Amzoil dealers are just selling a product, they don't think ANY other oil is as good as or even better than their product. I'm just tired of all the Amzoil sales propganda, here's my chance to make my point OR I'll post a full retraction on my opinion.

Basically to ANY Amzoil dealer put up or shut up.


Full Access Member
Nov 18, 2006
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Middleboro, Ma
Please if you don't mind posting your results here on the site it would be good to follow along with your results too! When were you going to do the first sample for testing?

I am not sure what OCI you have in mind with the RP or if you were going to test your way to figuring out what your OCI will be using synthetics but it would be nice to see other brands results so its can be about synthetics over conventional and not so much about Amsoil which I think a lot of people are looking at since I sell it. I just want to find out how the synthetics performs using lab testing as the guide and Amsoil is easiest for me to give to a test truck at my cost.


I will post my results. Right now I am planning on a 7500 OCI. That could change based on the results of the sampling. I plan to send in my first sample between 2000 - 3000 miles.

(I could use a Fumoto valve ;) )

MJ Synthetics

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2009
Reaction score
So Calif
You posted up the request for a test mule (with certian criteria) and I've stepped up. I want you to remove the criteria that doesn't really matter in this test. Let's test your product and put an end to any doubt anyone would have about using the Amzoil line.

Personally Amzoil dealers are just selling a product, they don't think ANY other oil is as good as or even better than their product. I'm just tired of all the Amzoil sales propganda, here's my chance to make my point OR I'll post a full retraction on my opinion.

Basically to ANY Amzoil dealer put up or shut up.

Well that will be accomplished in this test among other things.

As far as Amsoil dealers thinking that Amsoil is the best only testing can prove that. I don't agree with all dealers tactics either.

I will tell you this about this Amsoil dealer. I would be a complete fool if I thought Amsoil is for everybody. Its not the end all of oils and any Amsoil dealer that tells you it so is off his or her rocker! It is a top flight synthetic in the market place. It has been refined over 35 years of testing and use. It can and will save money in the long run but it has to be used to its potential to make the savings worth while to most people. Some people use it for other reasons other than extending oil changes. It is known to be one of the best cold pour point oils in the market place. Making it a great choice in extreme cold climates.

I don't like to argue with people over the great oil debate. I like to use and present the facts to help those doing reasearch for their personal use and to show the potential for anybody to save money and time. Then its up to the consumer to make a decision. If it goes with Amsoil then I would love to earn that person's business and if it doesn't then that is ok too. Each and every one of us have to feel comfortable with our choices and I respect that. :sweet

I am considering you for the test Heavy! My only concern is that since you might be an Amsoil hater would you give this test a fair shake with an open mind and follow through with the testing at 3k intervals and take it to 15k if Blackstone labs says its ok to do so.

This could blow up in my face also but thats why I wanted the 6.0L. I want the toughest case to work with and then I will have the knowledge going forward that Amsoil can or can't tame the 6.0L. After that its up to the consumers to decide that Amsoil can help them with their 6.0L. I also think that since the 7.3L isn't as hard on oil that this test will certainly translate to other engines with better results than what we come up with on the 6.0L.
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Full Access Member
Jun 5, 2005
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King William, VA
As much as you like to present the facts you definitely need to do more research.

Dane you are a great guy to be a site sponsor and applaud you for that effort. I have been reading through some of your past posts and I must say you aren't as knowledgeable on the 6.0 as I have thought you might be. You made a post referencing injectors and oil that is TOTALLY wrong. You made a post about the Amzoil tranny fluid, Amzoil has now changed their claim (Amzoil IS NOT compatible for use as MERCON SP). You even go so far as to site a motor warranty for using Amzoil in these motors. A warranty that requires that Amzoil failed and has to be the sole reason DIRECTLY related to the motor failure.

I have been thinking more about all this and must say it's not to my advantage to stray from your test procedures. I would need to follow them in order to keep my own personal creditability. I find it troubling that I have already stated I would follow your test procedures, yet you question my personal integrity in conducting your test. This only furthers my initial thoughts that you seek to make a control group that will achieve your desired results over discovering the real truth. This is what you need to overcome Dane to prove to everyone that your product is one of quality and not hype.

If you question my integrity in the test then maybe you just need to pass on including me. I'll understand Dane, I wish you the best of luck in your test.

MJ Synthetics

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2009
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So Calif
As much as you like to present the facts you definitely need to do more research.

Dane you are a great guy to be a site sponsor and applaud you for that effort. I have been reading through some of your past posts and I must say you aren't as knowledgeable on the 6.0 as I have thought you might be. You made a post referencing injectors and oil that is TOTALLY wrong.

If you read that post all the way through I was schooled by Jetpilot I admitted that fact and Thanked him for teaching me something I didn't know.

You made a post about the Amzoil tranny fluid, Amzoil has now changed their claim (Amzoil IS NOT compatible for use as MERCON SP).

You show me that part number ATL Transmssion fluid is NOT compatable for Mercon SP use. Before that show me where Universal ATF was not rated for Mercon SP use.

They did not change any "claims". They changed the viscosity of the Amsoil Universal ATF which used to be Mercon SP rated at 6.4 cSt and created a new Transmission fluid to cover Mercon SP which is now 6.0 cSt in viscosity. They raised the viscosity on the Universal ATF Transmission Fluid now that Mercon SP & Dexron VI are not covered by that Universal ATF fluid. It is now 7.0 cSt in viscosity which makes it a slighty better high pressure fluid. So if you want facts and you want to talk about facts and getting them straight you need to do some reasearch Heavy. If you know anything about cinestokes and how they relate to viscosity you know that we are splitting hairs when it comes to the viscosity of the transmission fluid. However if you would like to do some research and tell me that Amsoil ATL Transmission Fluid is not Mercon SP rated be my guest I am all ears and I will always admit when I am wrong I hope you will too. Let me help you out a little here is what Amsoil "claims" to be the case on the Mercon LV & SP rated Tranmission fluid:
AMSOIL Synthetic Low-Viscosity Automatic Transmission Fluid is recommended for automatic transmissions and other applications requiring DEXRON® VI, MERCON® LV, SP or Toyota WS.

To read more about this fluid go here Amsoil ATL Fluid

You even go so far as to site a motor warranty for using Amzoil in these motors. A warranty that requires that Amzoil failed and has to be the sole reason DIRECTLY related to the motor failure.

LOL :lmao Why would Amsoil warranty anything else but their oil or filter if you were using it? Do you actually think that Amsoil is going to warranty anything else but their oil and any failures directly realated to their oils? Does Ford warranty your tires after you bought another set from the stock ones? Will Ford warranty an aftermarket turbo if you put one on the truck? No its not theirs. Amsoil will not warranty a power steering pump because you used Amsoil engine oil. Maybe you can tell me what you think Amsoil should warranty if you use Amsoil products.

I have been thinking more about all this and must say it's not to my advantage to stray from your test procedures. I would need to follow them in order to keep my own personal creditability. I find it troubling that I have already stated I would follow your test procedures, yet you question my personal integrity in conducting your test. This only furthers my initial thoughts that you seek to make a control group that will achieve your desired results over discovering the real truth. This is what you need to overcome Dane to prove to everyone that your product is one of quality and not hype.

If you question my integrity in the test then maybe you just need to pass on including me. I'll understand Dane, I wish you the best of luck in your test.

I am not questioning your integrity. I have been put down, sabataged, tarred & feathered by the best of Amsoil haters your not even close to the best of them your a border line case. However you said
Either you will make me a beliver or I will prove AMZOIL wrong.
Basically to ANY Amzoil dealer put up or shut up.
here's my chance to make my point OR I'll post a full retraction on my opinion.
so lets see what happens.

I would like to know how I control the group and the test for that matter. If the person I don't know (you) is conducting the test in their truck and the lab is guiding the test with the results and don't tough one thing in this test I would like to know how I control it? I am actually putting my arse on the line and putting myself at the mercy of you or anybody else who participates in the test to be honest and forth rite in the testing proceedures. So please tell me how I control anything other than who participates in the test and how much money I put out of my pocket to administer the test. I control nothing more than those two factors which is why I came up with the idea for the test to prove to all of us at once with no control or oversite from me the salesman.

You want to participate in the test your in! PM me your information so I can get you the Fumoto Valve (if you don't have one already) and get you set up so you can buy your Amsoil to use in the test.

PM me ;

Email Address

If you still want to participate.

I hate to see you throw out a good batch of oil thats in your truck now so lets gets everything set up ordered and on hand, that way you can go as far as possible before you drop the Schaffers 9000 in there. :sweet

Jim up north

SDD Junior Member
Jul 27, 2006
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Lachute Canada
Takers for Amsoil

Hi , I am just wondering but I would be game , but I live up in Canada , but I would like to see the results. For I have been battling trying Amsoil for a while now . Just I find the price quite high for an oil change. It already costs me $150.00 every 5 to 6 weeks following ford recommended oil changes, up here in Canada it is every 8500 km which equals roughly 5000 miles.
Just my two cents , which is worth roughly 1.2 american. Anyway have a good day Guys.

P.S now pushing 185,000 km .
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