I bought one today to help monitor my newly repaired engine. Are there any tricks for the programing the X-Gauge portion of this unit so as to monitor certain items on the 6.0?
Where did you mount your gauge?
Sure there is. Here is a little video to help with entering Xgauges:
And here is a short list of some of the ones I have entered in mine for my 6.0l. In most of these you will find the readings that each gauge should be. These are when the engine is up to operating temp.
KO = Key On Engine Off
LI = Low Idle
HI = High Idle (which for this is 2500 RPMs )
OR = Operating Range
Barometric Pressure
TXD: 07E0221127
RXF: 046285110627
RXD: 3008
MTH: 003100500000
Here is another BAR if the above one is not working for you. The one below works for me.
Barometric Pressure (PSI)
TXD: 07E0221442
RXF: 046285140642
RXD: 3010
MTH: 001D00500000
KO=96.5 (14) LI=96.5 (14) HI=96.5 (14) OR=50 - 120 (7.3 - 17.4) kPa (PSI)
Manifold Absolute Pressure (PSI) (BOOST)
TXD: 07E0221440
RXF: 046285140640
RXD: 3010
MTH: 012203200000
MAP is a standard gauge - but this XGauge is actually better than the standard one. It has a larger range which was needed because the standard gauge tops out around 37 psi absolute (about 22 lbs of boost), which diesels have no problem doing. This one should read well beyond 22lbs of boost.
With a little tweaking you can adjust this to read boost as you said.
To do this, just plug in the MAP code - get a reading from it with the key in the on position but the engine off, then based on the reading changed the last 4 digits of the MTH to whatever corresponds to your reading on this table
12.7 -- FF81
12.8 -- FF80
12.9 -- FF7F
13.0 -- FF7E
13.1 -- FF7D
13.2 -- FF7C
13.3 -- FF7B
13.4 -- FF7A
13.5 -- FF79
13.6 -- FF78
13.7 -- FF77
13.8 -- FF76
13.9 -- FF75
14.0 -- FF74
14.1 -- FF73
14.2 -- FF72
14.3 -- FF71
14.4 -- FF70
14.5 -- FF6F
14.6 -- FF6E
14.7 -- FF6D
14.8 -- FF6C
14.9 -- FF6B
15.0 -- FF6A
So, for example if you got a reading of 14.5 PSI with key on engine off you'd change the MTH to 01220320FF6F and the reading should read 0.0 with key on engine off and would then show how many lbs of boost you were at when the vehicle is running.
DTC Count (Diagnostic Trouble Code Count)
TXD: 07E0220200
RXF: 046205020600
RXD: 3008
MTH: 000100010000
Counts pending trouble code cycles
KO=0 LI=0 HI=0 OR=0 - 255
Exhaust Back Pressure
TXD: 07E0221445
RXF: 046285140645
RXD: 3010
MTH: 001D00500000
KO=103 (15) LI=110 (16) HI=110 (16) OR=55 - 607 (8 -88) kPA (PSI)
Engine Oil Temp
TXD: 07E0221310
RXF: 046245130610
RXD: 3010
MTH: 00090005F05F (00090005FFD8 alternate MTH found)
Engine hot KO=190 LI=190 HI=190 OR= -40 - 302 *F
FICM Vehicle Power (Volts) (Should be 12 Volts, should not drop below 10.25 for more than 60 seconds, or 9.0 for 4 seconds. TSB 09-24-03)
TXD: 07E02209CE
RXF: 0462450906CE
RXD: 3010
MTH: 006401000000
KO=12.0 LI=14.0 HI=14.0 OR=10.5-15.5
FICM Logic Power (Volts) (Should be 12 volts)
TXD: 07E02209CF
RXF: 0462450906CF
RXD: 3010
MTH: 006401000000
KO=12.0 LI=13.5 HI=13.5 OR=10.5-15.5
FICM Main Power (Volts) (Should be 47-48) Your FMP should never dip below 45. If it does, your FICM is toast and needs repaired or replaced.
TXD: 07E02209D0
RXF: 0462450906D0
RXD: 3010
MTH: 006401000000
KO=47 LI=47.5 HI=47.5 OR=40-52 (yes, that is what it says from Ford)
Fan Speed Sensor (RPM)
TXD: 07E022099F
RXF: 04620509069F
RXD: 3010
MTH: 000100040000
KO=0 LI=533 HI=488 OR=0-4000
Inj. Control Press. (ICP / HPOP)
TXD: 07E0221446
RXF: 046205140646
RXD: 3010
MTH: 003900640000
KO=0 LI=625.5 HI=1400-1450 OR=0-4045
ICP Voltage (Volts)
TXD: 07E02216AD
RXF: 0462451606AD
RXD: 3010
MTH: 004827100000
KO=0.2 LI=1.0 HI=1.8 OR=.15-4.7 Volts
IPR Duty Cycle
TXD: 07E0221434
RXF: 046285140634
RXD: 3008
MTH: 0DCA03E8000A
KO=14.84 LI=24 HI=40.60 OR=0-50 %
Trans. Fluid Temp
TXD: 07E1221674
RXF: 046205160674
RXD: 3010
MTH: 000100080000
VGT Duty Cycle (%)
TXD: 07E022096D
RXF: 04620509066D
RXD: 3010
MTH: 00647FFF0000
KO=0 LI=73 HI=43 OR=0-100 %