Thanks for the responces so far guyz 

........does it suck or just grind and pump?/QUOTE]
PB, don't know it would Pull to self-prime.. but it will Lift, up to 20 feet, and pressure to Pump, to 200 feet... leading me to think it would.
To me.. it looks to be just a Pump with a 4 blade "Emulsifier" (Macerator, not a Grinder) on the end of the pump/motor shaft, pre-pump, that breaks things down to a liquid that will enter the pump chamber.. as it all leaves the "Scupper", or "OBD" (more Navy speak)
FWIW.. I Fab'd a Grey Water By-pass, around the thing, so I can leave the Grey Water tank valves open during longer stays... then close'm a day or so before leaving... to rinse the whole works, after pumping the Black Water.