Rumor or not??


May 16, 2005
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Southern California
A friend of mine said he had heard rumor that January 1, 2008 some kind of EPA thing is going into effect that will make it mandatory for ALL (Not just new) diesel motors to have to have some kind of upgrade or modification. He also heard this will not be cheap. This is all the the info I have and was wondering if anyone else had heard anything?
Sounds like BS to me, at least the part about making it retroactive anyway, but who knows anymore.


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Mesa, Arizona
He is talking about the change to ULSD. This is required for all NEW diesel engine vehicles sold before Jan. 1 2007. It is not retroactive, and your truck should run fine on the ULSD. There is some speculation that it will mean all sorts of nasty and dire things for the older engines, but I am thinking that it is really just like the speculation that happened when there was a changeover to unleaded gas and totally unfounded.


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
i would rekon its just model year 08 stickered engines,
but hey i will go do some reading..........


May 16, 2005
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Southern California
Scooter said:
He is talking about the change to ULSD. This is required for all NEW diesel engine vehicles sold before Jan. 1 2007. It is not retroactive, and your truck should run fine on the ULSD. There is some speculation that it will mean all sorts of nasty and dire things for the older engines, but I am thinking that it is really just like the speculation that happened when there was a changeover to unleaded gas and totally unfounded.

I brought that up to him as well, and to his knowledge it had nothing to do with Low Sulfur Diesel.

Big K Hacker/Admin
May 11, 2005
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Dallas, Texas
Yeap BS ;)

All older engines will be grandfathered and just have to use S15, now that may cause you to replace a few things on the trucks, but they won't tell you to put something on it.

S15 will be in place later this year ;)

Just FYI.

S5000 is #2 with Suplher 5000ppm, which is also called HSD (High Sulpher Diesel)
S500 is #2 with Sulpher 500ppm, which is also called LSD (Low Sulpher Diesel)
S15 is #2 with Sulpher 15ppm, which is also called ULSD (Ultra Low Sulpher Diesel)

[*]There will be 3 types of diesel available in most of the USA (except CA) for the next couple of years. They are S15 or ULSD, S500 or LSD, and S5000 or HSD sometimes referred to as marine and locomotive diesel.

[*]All on-road diesel will be S15 by mid October 2006. This comprises 80% of all domestic and imported fuel. You could see it at the pumps as early as mid-June 2006.

[*]S500 will still be available until the end of 2009 for off-road use although it may be difficult to find in most areas of the country since it will be a relatively small portion of the total diesel output by the refineries.

[*]S5000 or high sulphur (HSD) will be available to marine and locomotive distributors in lesser quantities by smaller refiners (ie. custom botique refiners) until 2009. HSD will no longer be available to retailers for off-road vehicle sales after October 1, 2006 and may not even be used in vehicles after December 1, 2006.

[*]All diesel pumps must be marked with stickers indicating what is being pumped (S15, S500, S5000)

[*]Only S15 will be available in California after September 1, 2006 and after January 1, 2007 for locomotive and marine applications. Consequently, the EPA has said that pumps do NOT have to be labeled in California.

[*]Canadian usage of S15 is even stricter than in the USA.

[*]Diesel engines in on-road vehicles (cars/trucks/buses) made for the 2007 model year and thereafter, must only use S15 (ULSD). 2006 model year engines can use S15 or S500.

[*] In some instances, the introduction of S15 (ULSD) fuel to older vehicles may affect fuel system components or loosen deposits in fuel tanks.

[*]The new standards provide strong incentives for suppliers to provide the proper ULSD fuel formulation. Civil penalties of up to $32,500 per violation per day can be assessed for non-compliance with EPA’s ULSD fuel standards, or for misrepresentation of the sulfur level of diesel fuel.
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Big K Hacker/Admin
May 11, 2005
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Dallas, Texas

Also, I believe 2007 is the Emmisions year, when the new laws start, Not 2008! :dunno

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
Emissions laws are never retro-active. That is why you can drive a '68 camaro without a catalytic converter and be perfectly legal, and why you can drive your 1982 Dodge Colt without a O2 sensor and only a two-phase cat and not break the law. They did not force the '68 Camaro to add a cat or be parked forever, or the 82 Dodge Colt to upgrade to a 3-way cat with an O2 sensor, and they will not make you add a PM filter to your pickup, either.

My 7.3 does not even have an EGR. They did not make me add one in 2003 to keep driving it. That is because the EPA realizes the financial and logistical burden it would be placing on us all to force us to pay big money to get this stuff added. Can you imagine the effort it would take to EGR every 7.3? The R&D, the parts manufacturing, the notifications, the scheduleing of shop time for installation??? By the time it all got completed, the next wave of emissions stuff in 2010 would be rolling in and you'd have to start all over again!

In any case, the only change that you will notice is the change to ULSD fuel at the pump. That will amount to nothing. You won't even notice the difference

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