First let me say Welcome to

Hope you enjoy your time here. Sat back and read the forums to your heats content.
Now as for your questions about which oil and filters are the best. You sure know how to open up a can of worms don't you.
These questions get ask here about ever two or three weeks, and I am the only one with the right answer.

So here goes. Use the oil that is right for you.

Rotella or Mobile1 are two of the best on the market.

I use Rotella T because I have been told Shell rotella T has the highest level of anti-foaming agents of any oil and this is extremly important in the Powerstroke. Plus that is what about 75 % of the Ford drivers and Fleet Owners run in the big rigs. GM has always liked the Mobile oils.
Years ago I would of said Fram Filters, but that to has changed. I can get Motocraft at Wal-Mart for about the same price as I can the others and if it has a M/C in it Ford

can't say I used a bad filter.
OK now that is my answer, it is one of about 50 or 60 you will get.