how do you know when the gas stations switch fuels?
I can tell because fuel economy drops like a rock, and the chatter of the engine is quieter. To the point, I had been driving the truck on and off over the winter and using "Winter Blend" Fuel. I had not driven it much over the next few weeks, and when I needed fuel I filled up and took off for a trip. I had noticed that on the way back, the engine seemed much louder than it had, and still being under warrenty I stopped by the dealer and asked them, and they told me "it sounds like it should". I was talking to a fellow diesel owner, who has had diesels much longer than I have (at this point I had only had mine for about 6 months). I told him about what I had heard and he told me, "They have switched back to summer fuel, so it will be louder). The winter fuel blends have a lower BTU rating that straight #2, so for each injection of fuel, you are getting a "smaller" explosion and less noise. This is also why fuel economy drops, because it takes more fuel to get the same amount of work. Felt like an idiot, but was glad to learn one other thing about our oilburners. I also found out that was a common newbee question, so I was not the only one that has noticed it. Going from summer to winter fuel you don't notice it as much, but the switch back in the spring is very noticible. Now when I hear the extra noise in the spring, I smile because I know I just got my fuel economy back.