Old Racer
In the past few months I started reloading my own 223 and 308 ammo. My neighbor gave me die set for 357/38 special and about 1000 cases so now I do that also. I was figuring it is about 50% cost savings to reload my own shells which is pretty good. We have the Crossroads of the West gun show in San Diego every few months and I have been buying my powder, primers and bullets there as their prices are pretty good. I recently added up some costs and found it might be cheaper to go with mail order as gas costs me about $15 for the trip, $9 parking and $9 entry ticket. So the $25 hazmat fee starts getting better. I found Grafs and Sons has free shipping and their prices are the same or lower than the show.
Does anyone have any other sources for powder, primers and bullets that are low cost or have lots of specials?
Does anyone have any other sources for powder, primers and bullets that are low cost or have lots of specials?