both batteries are dead. Try driving to a parts store and then getting them individually tested. Id bet they are just slowly dieing.
Guess I'll explain in case anyone in the future comes up on this in their search.
If you just throw a volt meter on your batteries it means
nothing. AND if you just pull your batteries especially after you tried to start your truck...... and bring them to a automotive parts store. They will tell you they just need to be charged, or we need to charge them for a half a day and then re-test them. Witch kinda leaves you high and dry. SO after doing this a time or two with many vehicles its best to drive there (nice long drive) and pull the battery right then and there and walk in with it and have them load test it.
Now this only works in a cases like this guy has. Were its only hard to start in the morning and is fine all the rest of the starts the rest of the day. That's because the charging system is putting out 14.4 volts (after glow plugs) and the batteries only have to hold on to the charge 8 or so hours, and is spinning a nice luke warm motor.
I keep saying every year we should really REALLY make two stuck/sticky threads. One: my turbo is making this crazy jet engine noise only when truck is cold and I'm not on the throttle. Two: hard start in cold weather. Of course for the 7.3 that is.
Meh. Hope this helps some one. I found from my extremely little shade tree garage side work that its always best to work from the easiest to the hardest. Also try not to skip a step along the way. Cause after all its ALL going to break eventually. Might as well catch/prevent while you got the hood up.