SDD Junior Member
I am new to the forum in hopes of someone dealing with my issue before. I have a 1999 Ford F-550 XLT Jerdan Rollback with a 7.3 / 6speed / with 79k original miles. It has been services as it should and babied morew than my children. Here is the issue. Starting about 4 months ago during and only during shifts up or down the engine would drop to idle. It would never die but would not take throttle at all. It doesn't do it everytime and usually only lasts for about 10 seconds. This morning it did it on start up and then once after running. While it will not take throttle the check engine light does come on but goes back off when throttle responce is restorred. There is a old stored code for a cylinder #1 misfire. The engine is absolutely bone stock. Please HELP !!! Thanks Jay